
  • 网络enterprise database
  1. 基于VPN环境的企业数据库复制的安全策略

    Security Policies for Duplication of Enterprise Database Based on VPN Environment

  2. 防止利用ODBC技术非法获取企业数据库中重要数据

    Preventing intruders of stealing data from enterprise database with ODBC technique

  3. 基于INTERNET的企业数据库同步设计方案

    A Solution for Performing Synchronization of Database Base on Internet

  4. 基于MIS的企业数据库安全问题与对策

    Security and Countermeasures of the Enterprise 's Database Based on MIS

  5. 联机分析处理(OLAP)是一种组织大型企业数据库的方法。

    On-Line Analytical Processing ( OLAP ) is a way to organize large business databases .

  6. 不同领域的工程师们使用不同的CAD系统进行产品设计,导致企业数据库中保存了多种异构CAD产品模型。

    These engineers use a variety of CAD systems to design products , thus a large number of heterogeneous CAD models are archived in enterprise databases .

  7. Mashups集成了来自多个来源的信息,比如Web站点、企业数据库或电子邮件,构建一个统一的视图。

    Mashups integrate information from multiple sources , such as Web sites , enterprise databases , or e-mails , to create one unified view .

  8. 介绍了FOXPRO平台下的软件开发特点和FOXPRO的数据交换方式及其在企业数据库系统中的应用前景

    This paper introduces the features of software development on the FOXPRO platform , data interchanging mode and its prospect of application in enterprise database system

  9. 阐述了EDI与企业数据库以及ERP集成的重要性,并给出了企业数据库与EDI系统集成模式。

    The importance of integration of EDI and the enterprise 's database as well as ERP was also described , and put forward the integration model about enterprise 's database and EDI system .

  10. 有时它们与为许多应用程序提供服务的企业数据库进行交互。

    Sometimes they talk to enterprise databases that service many applications .

  11. 数据既可以来源于现有的企业数据库,也可以来源于软件。

    It can come from either existing enterprise databases or applications .

  12. 汽车配件制造企业数据库及信息网络研究

    Research on Network & Databases of Motor Components Manufacturing Enterprise

  13. 中国塑料工业企业数据库及其管理系统

    Data-base of Chinese Plastic Industrial Enterprises and its Managing System

  14. 三是集成供应链节点企业数据库,并形成为集成供应链信息平台数据仓库提供基础数据的企业数据模型。

    Its data model is the basis of DW of an ISC .

  15. 另外,结合企业数据库实例着重分析了ADO。

    Connected with the enterprise database , ADO .

  16. 企业数据库安全与加密设计

    Design of Database Security and Encryption in Enterprise

  17. 这个目录包含两个数据库,即亚洲企业数据库和亚洲消费者数据库。

    This list consists of two databases , namely Corporate Asia and Consumer Asia .

  18. 面向中小型制造企业数据库网络系统的开发与应用

    The Development and Application or Database Net System for Medium and Small Size Manufacturing Enterprises

  19. 企业数据库体系化环境及建设

    Enterprise Database Architecture Environment and Building

  20. 江铜贵溪冶炼厂企业数据库建设

    Enterprise database building in Guixi Smelter

  21. 来自各种异构应用数据库的数据被复制和集成到拥有正规数据模式的单个企业数据库中

    Data from heterogeneous application databases is replicated and integrated in an enterprise database with a canonical data schema

  22. 业务需求是,在完全不同的系统之上提供内部的应用程序来访问遗留系统中的企业数据库。

    The business requirement was to provide internal applications on disparate systems access to enterprise databases on legacy systems .

  23. 随着创建的数据量不断增长,为了容纳这些数据,公共和企业数据库也在不断扩张。

    As the total amount of data created continues to grow , public and enterprise databases are expanding to hold it .

  24. 归口协调各职能部门的相关工作,汇总反馈的意见,维护本关区的企业数据库。

    Coordinate related work of various functional departments in a centralized way , collect feedback opinion and maintain database of enterprises in respective customs'region .

  25. 管理快速扩大的数据量没有什么秘密,而且如今的大型企业数据库管理绝非易事。

    It 's no secret that managing the rapidly expanding data volumes and database administration needs of today 's large enterprises is no mean feat .

  26. 本文结合实际应用案例,提出了建立企业数据库体系化环境的实施策略,并讨论了相关问题的处理。

    Based on a practical case , this paper presents a tactics to create a business database system environment were presented and discusses some related problems .

  27. 这些数据库还可以定期地与企业数据库进行同步,从而将用户离线时客户机应用程序需要的数据捕捉到客户机上。

    These databases can also periodically synchronize with enterprise databases to capture data on the client for use by the client application when the user is offline .

  28. 随着网络技术迅速发展与分布式计算的日益成熟,企业数据库的应用正不断向着分布式、大型化的方向发展。

    With the rapid development of network technology and the increasing maturity of distributed computing , enterprise database applications are constantly toward a distributed , large-scale direction .

  29. 该表格的构成是:固定元素(各种标题、标签和说明)和可变文本或图像元素,这些变化的部分依赖于存储在企业数据库中的数据。

    The form consists of constant elements ( titles , labels , and explanations ) and variable text or image elements , which depend on the data stored in the enterprise database .

  30. 本文将神经网络智能方法和入侵检测技术结合起来,研究保护企业数据库的安全技术,并开发相应的数据库安全辅助系统。

    The thesis combines the method of neural networks capacity with the technique of intrusion detection , studying the security techniques of protecting corporation database , and developing a corresponding auxiliary safe database system .