
  • 网络Enterprise leasing;Corporate Leaseing
  1. 辖区概况总体显示辖区情况,以3D地图直观地显示辖区内楼宇分布情况,并提供常用操作链接,以及企业租赁期间将至的预警。

    The area of jurisdiction to the overall display , 3D map display area of building distribution , and provides a common operation link , and early warning is approaching enterprise leasing period .

  2. 企业租赁经营合同的法律特征及其实践中存在的问题

    Legal Characteristics and Practical Problems of Lease-Managing Contract of an Enterprise

  3. 超额运营成本在企业租赁中的考虑

    Thoughts on Excess of Operating Cost in Corporate Lease Management

  4. 寻找公路施工企业租赁新航标

    The Navigation Mark of Leasing in Highway Construction Enterprises

  5. 企业租赁成本的构成与计算

    The Constitution and Calculation of Enterprises Lease Cost

  6. 超额运营成本的概念,在重置成本法功能性贬值计算中经常应用,本文在计算企业租赁成本时,也对其超额运营成本进行了分析。

    The concept of the excess of operating cost is often applied in calculating the functional depreciation when DCR is used . This article shows how to calculate the leasehold cost of enterprises and analyzes its excess of operating cost .

  7. 我国企业融资租赁影响因素的实证研究&基于logisti分c析

    An Empirical Research of Factors that Influence the Financial Lease in Chinese Enterprises

  8. 公路施工企业设备租赁的几点思考

    Considerations about the Equipment Lease of the Road Construction Enterprises

  9. 企业的租赁经营机制及其适用范围

    Lease Management , Its Mechanism and Range of Applicability

  10. 浅析租赁企业的租赁形式及内部分配形式

    Renting Forms and Inner Distributing Forms of Rented Enterprises

  11. 煤炭生产企业设备租赁管理带来大效益

    Benefits from lease of main raw coal production equipment

  12. 施工企业机械租赁规范化管理

    Standardized management of equipment leasing in construction enterprises

  13. 浙江民营企业融资租赁调查

    Investigation of Financing Lease in Zhejiang Private Enterprises

  14. 因此对企业商铺租赁管理系统的设计与研究变的十分重要。

    Therefore the design and research of management system for enterprise shop leases will become very important .

  15. 怎样发展我国的企业融资租赁是一个亟待研究的课题。

    It , how to deeply develop financial lease in China , is an urgent task for us .

  16. 部分商对现有中小企业的租赁兼并收购亦具有浓厚的兴趣。

    Thepartial investors rent the annexation purchase to the existing smalland medium-sized enterprise also to have the strong interest .

  17. 再次,发展中企业的租赁融资,既可解决中小企业资金不足的困难,又可迅速为公司引进所需的技术设备。

    Finally , developing the lease financing , not only solves SMEs financing dilemma , but also imports technology and equipment .

  18. 得出结论是电视发射机制造企业实施租赁营销模式是可行的。

    Then the paper arrivals at a conclusion that the application of lease marketing to TV transmitter market is a feasible alternative .

  19. 分析了融资租赁与传统租赁的区别以及施工企业和租赁公司在融资租赁过程中面临的风险;

    Analyzes the difference between financing lease and traditional rental , as well as existent risk in the course of financing lease ;

  20. 国有企业利用租赁、合资改制方式逃废债是一种较新的形式。逃废债屡禁不止并恶性蔓延,严重损害了金融机构等债权人的利益。

    It is a kind of newer form that state-owned enterprises make use of the leasing , joint investment to escape the financial obligation .

  21. 通过案例分析,说明关联方企业融资租赁业务,是如何利用会计原则中的纰漏,影响应纳所得税额。

    By means of the analysis of case , they show the financial lease business of the correlative entities how to use the careless mistakes in the accounting standards to affect the number of the income tax which should be paid .

  22. 同时,在阐述了施工企业设备租赁管理的相关理论后,对企业内部环境进行分析,得出宁波建工设备租赁分公司的能力和资源很充沛但经营及拓展能力尚需开发的结论。

    At the same time , expounds the construction enterprise equipment management theory , analyses the internal environment for enterprises , ningbo construction equipment leasing branch ability and resources are abundant , but business and development ability still needs to be developed .

  23. 浅析建筑企业的设备租赁经营

    Briefly talking of rent of equipment in building construction enterprises

  24. 施工企业大型设备租赁与购置的选择

    Choice of rental and purchase of the large-scale equipment in the construction enterprises

  25. 关于企业申请融资租赁业务的思考和经营构思

    Mulling over Applications for Rental Financing Operation from Enterprise

  26. 浅谈中小企业的现代租赁

    On modern leasing in small and medium-sized enterprises

  27. 由于历史原因,企业出现了租赁经营、承包经营、挂靠经营等多种经营方式。

    Due to the history , lease pressure , contracted and the affiliated business appeared .

  28. 为外商投资企业购买、租赁、抵押不动产等提供法律咨询;

    Provide legal service for foreign company on purchasing , leasing and real estate mortgage .

  29. 中小企业人力资源租赁战略的价值探讨

    On the Value of the Rent Strategy of Human Resource in Middle and Small-Type Enterprise

  30. 对广大跨国企业免收房屋租赁服务费,1小时内反馈服务信息。

    For multinational enterprises , house lease service charge free , service information feedback in1 hour .