
fú tiān
  • dog days;hot summer days
伏天 [fú tiān]
  • [dog days;hot summer days] 指三伏天,时间为夏至后第三个庚日后的三四十天,是一年中最热的时候

伏天[fú tiān]
  1. 伏天将临,夏日精晶将掀起又一个热季狂潮。

    Hot summer days are coming while the high-grade summer goods will raise another heat wave .

  2. 伏天将临,夏日精晶将掀起又一个热季狂潮。突然,她感到极度悲伤,心潮起伏,几乎说不出话来。

    Hot summer days are coming while the high-grade summer goods will raise another heat wave . Suddenly , great sadness and emotion seized her , so she had difficulty in speaking .

  3. 现在是伏天,西瓜正当令。

    These are the dog days ; watermelons are just in season .

  4. 大伏天西瓜卖得快。

    Watermelons sell fast during the dog days .

  5. 夏天的三伏天是一年中最热的日子。

    The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year .

  6. 现在是三伏天,西瓜正当令。在三伏天里,除了游泳,我什么事也做不成。

    I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days of summer .

  7. 但伏天组治疗前后的免疫指标改善优于冬令组两者有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The improvement of immune index in the group for hot summer was better than that in the group for Winter days in contrast between before and after treatment , and there was a significant difference between them ( P0 . 05 ) .

  8. 在三伏天,我除了游泳之外什么也干不了。

    I can do nothing except for swimming in dog days .

  9. 身体肥胖的人三伏天就要受苦了。

    Fat people suffer a lot in the dog days .

  10. 三伏天是夏天中最炎热的日子。

    The Dog days are the hottest days in Summer .

  11. 我们已熬过了三伏天三相无功伏安小时计

    We have got through the dog days . three phase var hour meter

  12. 我们已过了三伏天。

    We have got through the dog days .

  13. 伏天铺灸治疗慢性盆腔炎的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Inflammation by Long Snake Moxibustion in Dog Days

  14. 三伏天就要来了,我们最好装一个空调。

    The dog days will arrive soon . We 'd better install an air conditioner .

  15. 现在是伏天,西瓜正当令。太平洋夏令时太平洋夏令时

    These are the dog days ; watermelons are just in season . Pacific daylight saving time

  16. 三伏天到了,股市也多了很多悲观的声音。

    The dog days of summer have brought with them a lot of whimpering about the stock market .

  17. 因此,从古代起,人们就有了很多三伏天避暑消夏的活动。

    Thus , from ancient times , people developed many activities to escape the heat of Dog Days .

  18. 三伏天,大热天;无所作为的时期,无精打采的日子。同时她也看到了他的孤弱无能,无所作为。

    Dog-days n. [ pl. ] She had felt at the same time that he was helpless and ineffectual .

  19. 伏天隔姜灸和药物敷贴治疗咳喘2112例疗效分析

    An Analysis of the Curative Effect of 2112 Cases of Cough and Asthma Treated with Ginger-separated Moxibustion on Dog Days

  20. 三伏天辨证配药治疗过敏性鼻炎疗效观察

    Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Dispensing Medicines for Anaphylactic Rhinitis Based on An Overall Analysis of Symptoms and Signs During Dog Days

  21. 这些就像美国夏天的“三伏天”一样知名,气温飙升的时候没有人想要很快运动。

    These are known as the " dog days " of summer in the United States , when temperatures soar and nobody wants to move quickly .

  22. 结论针灸配神阙穴贴敷在三伏天防治支气管哮喘有较好的临床疗效,且优于单纯的西药治疗。

    Conclusion Acupuncture plus point Shenque application during dog days is clinically effecive in preventing and treating bronchial asthma and superior to treatment with simple Western medicine .

  23. 三伏天到来,空调成了家电卖场的热卖产品,很多商家纷纷推出降价活动吸引顾客。

    With the arrival of the dog days , air conditioners become the hot cake in electric home appliances stores , and many firms attract customers by lowering the prices one after another .

  24. 传统上,韩国人习惯在伏天吃他们认为能够消暑的食物,但调查显示,如今韩国人在这几天往往不再吃狗肉,而是吃鸡肉、牛肉或猪肉。

    Surveys show that most South Koreans now eat chicken , beef or pork instead of dog meat on boknal , days when they traditionally eat food they believe helps beat the summer heat .

  25. 首都华盛顿的一个三伏天,酷热且潮湿。要逛华盛顿还有更好的法子,这个如何?

    The dog days of summer in the nation 's capital . It 's hot . It 's humid . There is gotta be a better way to see Washington than this . How about this ?

  26. 随便哪一个城里的阔少都比不上一个乡下土少爷…我指的是一种道地的乡下阔少爷…这种人物,因为怕太阳晒黑他的双手,竟在三伏天里戴起鹿皮手套,去割他那两英亩地的草。

    No town-bred dandy will compare with a country-bred one -- I mean a downright bumpkin dandy -- a fellow that , in the dog-days , will mow his two acres in buckskin gloves for fear of tanning his hands .