
  • 网络vltava;River Vltava;the Vltava River;The Moldau
  1. 他在给一位友人的信中提到了这座当时刚刚建成的新桥,称伏尔塔瓦河(VltavaRiver)的这一河段颇受自杀者欢迎:“从桥上走到观景楼,总比从这条河进入天堂要愉快得多。”

    He wrote to a friend about the then-new bridge , saying that this part of the Vltava River had been popular for suicide attempts : " It will always be more pleasant to walk across the bridge up to the Belvedere than through the river to Heaven . "

  2. 用英语说“Vltava”(伏尔塔瓦河)的意思是“有害细菌的水平.”

    In English , Vltava means " unhealthy bacteria level . "

  3. 谁想要在伏尔塔瓦河裸泳?

    Who wants to swim naked in the Vltava ?