
fú dū jiào
  • Voodoo religion;voodooism
伏都教[fú dū jiào]
  1. 他受到伏都教的诅咒。

    He 's been the object of a voodoo curse .

  2. 也许她同时还看伏都教医师。

    Maybe she was checking out a voodoo doctor on the side .

  3. 从而夺走伏都教牧师的灵魂。

    To take the soul of a voodoo priest .

  4. 我才不信这些伏都教的鬼法术。

    I ain 't up on this voodoo shit . I 'm from brooklyn .

  5. 告诉他们我吃活的鸡,在半夜还跳伏都教舞。

    Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight .

  6. 你请教伏都教的这事情。

    This , uh , voodoo consultation .

  7. 律师:你知道你的女儿是否有牵连进伏都教吗?

    ATTORNEY : Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo ?

  8. 他还有个信伏都教的女儿。

    He 's got a voodoo daughter .

  9. 根据古代的伏都教和民间传说,诞生了如“行尸走肉”等电影。

    Through ancient voodoo and folk-lore traditions , shows like the Walking Dead were born .

  10. 除非你信仰伏都教。

    If you believe in voodoo .

  11. 另一个伏都教的饺子吗?

    It 's another voodoo dumpling ?

  12. 伏都教的疗法确实很有效。

    Voodoo healing is quite effective .

  13. 你真的相信伏都教巫术吗?

    You do believe in voodoo ?

  14. 同时,他们在非洲学会了伏都教和僵尸这类词,直接导致了后来的青少年恐怖电影风潮。

    Meanwhile in Africa they picked up words like voodoo and zombie kicking off the teen horror film .

  15. 似乎海地呈现给世界的只有死亡、巫术和伏都教以及同样美妙的天气。

    It seemed all Haiti had to offer was death , black magic and voodoo - and the same great weather .

  16. 人们常常把这种植物与邪恶力量联系起来,比如巫术或者伏都教,因为它有致人精神错乱和出现幻觉的特性。

    The plant has been linked to darker arts , like witchcraft and voodoo , because of its delirium-inducing and hallucinogenic properties .

  17. 罗勒并非是最受喜爱的植物,但是它也与埃尔祖莉,海地伏都教所崇拜的爱情女神有关。

    But to show that basil doesn 't play favorites , it is also associated with Erzulie , a voodoo love goddess worshipped in Haiti .

  18. 为了找到长生不老药,她不惜挖出了200岁的劳拉夫人(凯西贝茨饰),还向死敌、伏都教的玛丽利维(安吉拉贝塞特饰)宣战。

    While on a quest for anti-aging potion , she digs up 200-year old Madame LaLaurie ( Kathy Bates ) and wages war with voodoo nemesis Marie Laveau ( Angela Bassett ) .