
  • 网络The University of Houston
  1. 第二年,《中国学生保护法案》(ChineseStudentsProtectionAct)获得通过,萝丝王获得了休斯敦大学的计算机科学硕士学位。

    The next year , the Chinese Students Protection Act was passed and Wang got her master 's in computer science at University of Houston .

  2. 在休斯敦大学读书的时候,吉姆帮忙参与过建设一家叫做InfernalBridegroomProductions的非盈利剧院。

    Jim helped create a non-profit theater company named Infernal Bridegroom Productions while he was studying at University of Houston .

  3. 在这里,Bill将他介绍给他在休斯敦大学教的每一个学生。

    Here Bill introduces him to each student in the class he teaches at Houston Community College .

  4. 休斯敦大学正利用与美国国家可再生能源实验室(nationalrenewableenergylaboratory)的合作关系,研究基于生物材料的燃料皮罗伊的商业可行性,以开发一门有关生物燃料经济方面的课程。

    Uh is using a partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to research the commercial viability of pyroil , a biomass-based fuel , to develop a course on the economic aspects of biofuels .

  5. 成立NationWasteInc.公司的时候,她并没有感到害怕。22岁的时候,里奥斯刚刚从休斯敦大学(theUniversityofHouston)毕业几个月就贷款购买了两辆卡车,毅然投身由男性主导的垃圾处理行业。

    She was not intimidated when she started Nation Waste Inc. At just 22 , months after graduating from the University of Houston , she took out loans and purchased two trucks , jumping into the male-dominated waste-removal industry .

  6. 应受教育:攻读太空建筑专业硕士学位,仅在休斯敦大学可以拿到该学位。

    Education : A master 's in space architecture , currently available only at the University of Houston .

  7. 在休斯敦大学毕业典礼上,当着四千毕业生的面开个玩笑却想不起来其中好笑的句子?

    forgot the punch line to a joke in front of four thousand graduating students at the University of Houston Commencement ?

  8. 休斯敦大学的经济学家史密斯正在密切关注目前的局势,他对休斯敦的经济前景进行了预测。

    One person keeping a careful watch on the situation is Barton Smith , a University of Houston economist who provides economic forecasts for the city .

  9. 今年早些时候,休斯敦大学推出了致力于与企业合作的课程,旨在为应用金融项目班设计基于可再生能源的商业计划。

    Earlier this year , the school offered a course dedicated to working with companies to design renewables-based business plans for its applied finance projects class .

  10. 姚明和叶莉的婚礼引起中国媒体的高度关注。曾为国家女篮队员的叶莉现在休斯敦大学读书。

    The wedding of Yao and Ye , a former Chinese National Team player and current University of Houston student , attracted huge media attention in China .

  11. 明年,休斯敦大学将把这种临时课程纳入核心课程,将有四门定期课程涉及可再生能源和碳市场。

    Next year , uh will move such occasional courses on to the core curriculum , with three or four regularly scheduled courses touching on renewables and carbon markets .

  12. 自从美国休斯敦大学开发出以能力培养为中心的教学体系,用于培养教师能力的教育教学体系,而后加拿大首先将能力本位应用到职业教育,该模式迅速在全世界推广开来。

    Houston University in the United States first developed " the ability-cultivation-centered teaching system ", aiming at improving teachers ' teaching ability and Canada is the first one to apply the Competency-based theory to vocational education ; then the mode quickly expanded to the whole world .

  13. 得克萨斯州休斯敦Rice大学的一个学生小组研发了一种低成本的设备,以帮助协助呼吸困难的新生儿。

    A student team at Rice University in Houston , Texas , developed a low-cost device to assist newborns with breathing problems .

  14. 休斯敦莱斯大学(riceuniversity)研究员艾米迈尔斯贾菲(amymyersjaffe)表示,在市场力量推动沙特石油出口转向的同时,美国的能源政策也起到了一定作用。

    Amy Myers Jaffe , a research fellow at Rice University in Houston , said that while market forces had redirected Saudi exports , US energy policy was also a factor .

  15. 休斯敦莱斯大学建筑学院扩建,美国

    The Extension of School of Architecture of Rice University , . Houston , USA , 1979-1981

  16. 休斯敦莱斯大学动用了30亿美元的捐赠基金以确保大二,大三和大四学生的学费不会超过消费者物价指数。

    Rice University in Houston uses its $ 3 billion endowment to guarantee that tuition for sophomores , juniors and seniors will not leap ahead of the consumer price index .

  17. 休斯敦的得州大学安德森癌症中心(UniversityofTexasM.D.AndersonCancerCenter)癌症防治中心(CancerPreventionCenter)的医务主任特蕾泽·贝弗斯(ThereseBevers)博士表示,她认为工作组过分强调了假阳性等不利因素的重要性。

    Dr. Therese Bevers , medical director of the Cancer Prevention Center at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston , said she thought the task force overemphasized the importance of drawbacks like false positives .

  18. 象这类电台包括在休斯敦的稻穗大学以公开播报员闻名的ktru台。

    Stations like these including ktru at Rice University in Houston are known as public broadcasters .

  19. 其中包括纽约州的哈特威克大学和德克萨斯州的休斯敦&维多利亚大学。

    These include Hartwick College in New York State and the University of Houston-Victoria in Texas .

  20. 但休斯敦的私立大学莱斯大学对学生的挑选比较严格,因而不得不重新制定其招生方针以保持学校少数民族学生的入学情况。

    But Rice University in Houston , private and highly selective , has had to reinvent its admissions strategies to maintain the school 's minority enrollment .

  21. 在那之前,黄西只不过是一个有着浓重口音、取得德州休斯敦市莱斯大学博士学位的华裔移民。

    Before that , Wong was simply another Chinese immigrant with a doctoral degree from Rice University , Houston , Texas , and who talks with a strong accent .