
  • 网络Crowdsourcing;Crowdsourcing Model
  1. 评委点评:“我喜欢这种众包模式,但我不清楚它的运作模式和盈利模式。我的问题嘛?你们把这个点子卖给谁?怎样卖?”时代公司(TimeInc)的主席兼导演大卫o贝尔提出疑问。

    Judge 's critique : " I love crowdsourcing , but I 'm unclear how it works and how it pays . My question ? To whom do you sell this and how do you sell it ? " wondered David Bell , Chairman , gyro , and Director , Time Inc.

  2. 总部位于美国的活动组织GenderAvenger利用众包模式来搜集有关会议小组讨论性别平衡的数据。

    GenderAvenger , a US-based campaign group , uses crowdsourcing to collect data on the gender balance of conference panels .

  3. 一些分析师考虑,小米在手机输入法上采取的众包模式是否也会在中国以外起到同样效果,因为该公司在中国以外的名气还相对较小。

    Analyst have wondered whether Xiaomi 's crowdsourcing of input will be as effective outside China , where the company is relatively unknown .

  4. 但再想想,多年来,人们一直免费为亚马逊撰写书评而顾问还总是拥有否决权。除了一些幸运的例外情况,众包模式不太可能为很多参与者提供全职工作。

    But then again , people have been writing book reviews on Amazon for years for nothing – and punters can always say no. With perhaps a few lucky exceptions , the crowdsourcing model is unlikely to provide many crowd members with full-time employment .

  5. 各要素之间相互关联,最终形成众包商业模式的整体架构&要素模型。

    Elements are interconnected , eventually forming the overall framework of crowdsourcing business model .

  6. 不管是众包商业模式还是商业模式的众包模块都在不断的进化、补充、完善中,众包模块发展成熟可以转变为一个完整的众包商业模式。

    Both crowdsourcing business model and crowdsourcing module of traditional business are under the constant evolution , supplement and improvement .

  7. 目前,较为成熟的众包商业模式包括大众参与内容创造的维基模式和对传统产品、服务按照众包理念重新架构的价值链模式。

    Currently , crowdsourcing business model includes wiki model involving in the public content creation and the value chain model re-structuring the course of traditional products and services in accordance with crowdsourcing .