
  1. 众声喧哗:《喧哗与骚动》的复调特征研究

    Study on the Polyphonic Features of the Sound and the Fury

  2. 20世纪90年代以来的中国文学,呈现出一种众声喧哗的格局。

    Chinese literature takes on a prosperous look from 1990 's.

  3. 身为“众声喧哗”的一员,我引以为荣!

    I 'm now very proud to be a part of Intervoice ,

  4. 边缘下的众声喧哗&转型期诗人的言说方式

    Speaking and Writing Ways of Poets in Transitional Period

  5. 文化交融与幻想空间中的众声喧嚣

    Merge of Culture and the Fury of Fantasy World

  6. 文学批评真正成为多媒体时代的众声喧哗。

    Thus literature criticism truly becomes different voices talking in this multi-media era .

  7. 大众传媒时代批评主体的众声喧哗

    Different Opinions Voiced by Critic in Mass Media Era

  8. 本来众声嘈杂的屋子里,突然变得非常肃静。

    From its cacophony of sound , the room has suddenly become very still .

  9. 她以特立独行的姿态行走于文学的边缘,在众声喧哗中保持着清醒与冷静。

    She walked on the edge of literature with maverick attitude and clean mind .

  10. 众声合唱的复调性表现在语言上的特点是,在对话的艺术世界上,一般没有任何物的存在,没有对象、客体,只有主体。

    In a dialogic artistic world there is no things , no objects but subjects .

  11. 其身份的模糊性让它具有了文本的开放性,对它解读可以众声喧哗、多元并存。

    Its vague identity makes it an open text attracting many roaring and diversified interpretations .

  12. 第四章探讨众声喧哗中红色经典文本的当下重构。

    The fourth chapter discusses the reconstruction of red classical text in the numerous sounds clamor .

  13. 众声喧哗中的三重遮蔽&从郁达夫、王小波笔下的孽恋和虐恋谈起

    A Talk on the Evil and Tyrannical Love in the Works of Yu Da-fu and Wang Xiao-bo

  14. 在中国,这种众声喧哗多元杂糅的大众文化景观给我们的理论研究者带来极大的困难。

    However , the complicated phenomenon of mass culture in China brings much difficulty to our researchers .

  15. 现在众声可以齐鸣,就让各个房间同时洋溢您的乐音,让您不再错过任一节拍与旋律。

    Stream your tunes to more than one room simultaneously and you 'll never lose the beat .

  16. 说实话,在众声喧哗的那一刻,很难听出大家喊的是哪个词。

    In truth , it 's difficult to distinguish in the cacophony each of the words shouted atop one another .

  17. 众心结成一心,形成一致的冲动,众声融成一声,发出巨大的浪涛声。

    Blended into one great voice by the universal impulse which makes likewise one vast heart out of the many .

  18. 随着高科技与媒体的发展,大众文化迅速崛起,并带领人们进入一个众声喧哗的时代。

    With the development of mass media and high technology , popular culture has stirred a rising cacophony throughout the world .

  19. 朦胧诗落潮之后,继而崛起的第三代诗歌、后朦胧诗或知识分子写作以及民间立场等使得诗坛陷入一片众声喧哗中。

    After the Obscure Poem , the third generation , Intellectuals and the folk position appeared in the field of poetry .

  20. 在这众声喧哗的现代性批判大合唱中,生态学马克思主义的批判独树一帜。

    Among the great chorus with various voices of Modernity criticism , the criticism of Ecological Marxism has a unique style .

  21. 网络文化是在后现代社会中发展起来的文化形态,具有多元性、众声喧哗性和非权威性。

    The web culture is a kind of cultural form growing in post-modern society , of diversification , conflicting voices and non-authority .

  22. 文学不再为了单一的价值而齐声歌唱,而是展开了众声喧哗的热闹场景。

    Literature is no longer a single to the value of singing in unison , but started all the excitement sound noisy scenes .

  23. 众声论辩指向特定的方向或结论,即言语主体的真实态度和交际意图。

    The polyphonic argumentation is oriented towards a specific direction or conclusion , that is , the real attitude and communicative intention of the speech subject .

  24. 转型期报告文学在经历了1980年代的作家中心和1990年代的读者崇拜之后,继而进入了众声喧哗的多元时代。

    The transitional reportage , with writer-centered tendency in 1980s and with reader worshipping in 1990s , pushes itself into the plural times with different voices .

  25. 众声喧哗,借助于网络媒体,有的成为网络流行诗人,日益走向多元化。

    With many voices and with the help of internet media , some of them become popular poet on the net , thus this trend goes multi-extremes .

  26. 其次,对现代史上有关的思想界的众声喧哗作了必要的描述与分析。

    Secondly , a necessary description and a corresponding analysis are made about the phenomenon of " different perspectives and many voices " in the ideological world in modern history .

  27. 文化精英的权贵地位和话语霸权被解构和分享,网络成为众声喧哗的广场。

    The dignitarial status and discursive supremacy of the cultural elite is being deconstructed and shared , and the Internet is becoming the plaza of " raznorechie , heteroglossia " .

  28. 在世纪之交众声喧哗、语言狂欢的舞台上,方方可以说是其中具有独特的言说方式的一位作家。

    On the stage of uproarious talks and revelry language in the edge of centuries , Fang Fang is well-known as one of the authors who possess the special language-expression way .

  29. 比特开启了众声喧哗的进程:我们原来鸦雀无声,一旦有些机会说话,谁都不会好好说话,只会聒噪。

    Bits have launched a process of rising cacophony : once we were completely silent , but with the first opportunity to speak , nobody is just talking , they 're shouting .

  30. 随着竞争的规范有序,一个沟通与交流的良性格局终将形成,一个真正群星璀璨、众声喧哗的电视时代终将到来。

    With the standardized and orderly competition , a healthy exchange of communication and will eventually form a pattern , a real shining stars , the public clamor of the television era of the sound coming eventually .