
yōu huì dài kuǎn
  • concessional loan;loan on favorable terms;concessional credit
  1. 世界银行会依据GDP的国际比较结果决定是否发放优惠贷款;

    According to the international comparision result of GDP , the World Bank can determine whether to grant the loan on favorable terms or not .

  2. 去年,中国同意出资90亿美元为巴基斯坦修建两座1100兆瓦的大型核电站,这两座核电站位于卡拉奇,主要资金来源为中国优惠贷款。

    Last year , China agreed to build two large 1,100 megawatt nuclear power plants for Pakistan in Karachi under a $ 9 billion deal , financed largely through a concessional loan from China .

  3. 这些分包商的融资又来自中国进出口银行(ChinaEx-ImBank)等中资政策银行提供的出口信贷和优惠贷款,从而很容易受到中国融资冻结的影响。

    These sub-contractors are in turn financed by export credits and concessional loans from Chinese policy lenders such as the China Ex-Im Bank – thus creating the vulnerability to a freeze in Chinese finance .

  4. 然而,中国一些财大气粗的政策性银行,比如中国国家开发银行(CDB)和中国进出口银行(ChinaExport-ImportBank),为在越南新建发电站提供了巨额优惠贷款。

    However , with deep pockets , Chinese policy banks such as China Development Bank and China Export - Import Bank have offered billions of dollars of concessional loans for new power stations in Vietnam .

  5. 方案所需资金将由巴西国家发展银行(bndes)提供,主要是优惠贷款。

    It would be funded on largely favourable terms by BNDES , the State Development Bank .

  6. 充分发挥我国环保利用国外优惠贷款的作用

    Make Full Use of Environmental Protection Role in Using Foreign Loans

  7. 对这些最贫困国家,国际开发协会提供赠款和优惠贷款。

    For these poorest countries , IDA gives grants and concessionary loans .

  8. 综合利率及最优惠贷款利率均为期末数字。

    The composite interest rate and best lending rates are end-of-period figures .

  9. 价格主要指优惠贷款利率和宽松的贷款政策。

    " Pricing " means mainly " good " loan rates and liberal loan policies .

  10. 淄博市胜利村城中村改造资金主要来源于财政拨款和政策性优惠贷款,资金严重紧缺,并需开辟多样化的融资渠道。

    Reconstruction funds of Shengli Village mainly came from the financial allocation and policy-oriented loans .

  11. 美联储的决定是符合减少了优惠贷款利率。

    The Fed 's decision was matched by a reduction in the prime lending rate .

  12. 其余的平均分配给无息贷款,优惠贷款,低利率贷款以及其他贷款。

    The rest is divided evenly between interest-free loans and concessionary , or low-interest , loans .

  13. 农户、农村集体经济组织、农业保险组织可以成为农业保险优惠贷款的借款人。

    Farmers , rural collective economic organizations , agricultural insurance organizations , agricultural insurance can be the borrower .

  14. 各大银行所报的最优惠贷款利率走势,与储蓄存款利率的变动一致。

    The movement of the best lending rate quoted by major banks matched that of the savings deposit rate .

  15. 中国进出口银行还是借款国从中国获取优惠贷款的主要渠道,中国国开行更多的是以市场利率发放贷款。

    Eximbank is also the main conduit for concessional loans from China , while CDB often lends more at market rates .

  16. 在抗日战争前期,苏联向中国提供了规模较大的优惠贷款,这是对中国抗战的一种有力的支持。

    Early in the war , the Soviet Union to China with the larger lending , this is the kind of support .

  17. 第三,中国对非洲基础设施的改善、成套设备和优惠贷款等的提供,加快了非洲工业化进程,促进了非洲工业制成品对华的出口。

    Thirdly , the improvement of infrastructures accelerates the industrial process in Africa ; enhance the exports of manufactured goods to China .

  18. 年内,本港各大银行曾多次调低最优惠贷款利率,合共调低438基点。

    The best lending rate quoted by major banks in Hong Kong was lowered by a total of 438 basis points during the year .

  19. 金融政策上涉及优惠贷款、贷款担保、资金跨区流动、投资基金等。

    To banking policies , there are favor of loan , guaranty of loan , flow of fund , fund of invest and so on .

  20. 埃塞俄比亚亚的斯阿达玛高速公路、喀麦隆克里比深水港等项目均由中国的优惠贷款支持建设。

    For example , the Addis Ababa-Adama Expressway of Ethiopia and the Kribi Deep-water Port of Cameroon were both funded by concessional loans from China .

  21. 它鼓励银行向首次购房者提供优惠贷款,并激励开发商加大建造价格较低的住房。

    It has encouraged banks to offer discounts on mortgages to first-time home buyers and has prodded developers to increase the construction of cheaper homes .

  22. 今后3年内向非洲国家提供30亿美元的优惠贷款和20亿美元的优惠出口买方信贷。

    Provide US $ 3 billion of preferential loans and US $ 2 billion of preferential buyer 's credits to Africa in the next three years .

  23. 今后中国将继续向发展中国家提供一定规模的优惠贷款和优惠出口买方信贷融资支持。

    China will continue to extend financing support of a certain scale to developing countries in the form of concessional loans and preferential export buyer 's credit .

  24. 国家政策性银行贷款、国际金融组织和外国政府优惠贷款,尽可能多安排西部地区的项目。

    The region will also be granted as much as possible State policy loans and loans provided with preferential terms by international financial organizations or foreign governments .

  25. 我们明白银行各有不同的资金结构,但这无碍大家一直沿用同一个最优惠贷款利率。

    We recognise that funding structures differ among banks , but that did not stop them from using the same best lending rate for a long time .

  26. 劳动力密集型企业也鼓励招募高校毕业生,政府会给予每家公司优惠贷款最多达成2000000元(293000美元)。

    Labor-intensive companies are also encouraged to recruit college graduates , with preferential government loans up to two million yuan ( 293,000 U.S.dollars ) for each company .

  27. 亚洲开发银行也与亚洲开发基金会(类似亚行)联合,该基金拿出40亿美元的优惠贷款。

    The aDB also has special operations connected with the asian Development Fund ( similar to the IDa ) which has granted over 4 bil of concessionary loans .

  28. 目前,世行也在通过其优惠贷款机构国际开发协会致力于将适应气候变化工作纳入无息贷款和赠款项目。

    The World Bank is also working to fully integrate climate change adaptation into zero-interest loans and grants from its concessional lending arm , the International Development Association .

  29. 它由中国政府提供优惠贷款资金支持,中国土木工程集团有限公司(简称“中土集团”)承建并提供运营技术服务。

    It was financed by the Chinese government with concessional loans , and constructed by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation , which also provides technical services in operation .

  30. 在美国和加拿大对原产于中国的产品的反补贴调查中,均有一半以上的案件涉及对中国政策性银行和国有商业银行向特定企业发放优惠贷款的调查。

    More than half of the anti-subsidy investigations conducted both by United States and Canada involve the investigation of loans provided by Chinese policy banks and state-owned commercial banks .