
  • small-sum guaranteed loan
  1. 完善收费、小额担保贷款政策,促进创业带动就业。

    We improved the policies on charges and fees and on guaranteed small loans to encourage business startups in order to expand employment .

  2. 通过两年的实践努力,妇女小额担保贷款取得了阶段性成果,也遇到了一些问题需要解决。

    Efforts through two years of practice , women small loans and achieved initial results , but also encountered some problems to be solved .

  3. 随着小额担保贷款工作的推进和金融系统的发展,各种相关政策、机构和机制也在不断的完善之中。

    With the development of small loans to promote the work of the financial system and relevant policies , institutions and mechanisms , also at continuously perfect .

  4. 而针对中低层人群的贷款却很匮乏,针对此种情况,国家逐渐开展小额担保贷款业务,使下岗失业人员得到了国家的帮助。

    Loans for middle and lower population is very scarce , and in such cases , the state gradually carry out the business of small loans to laid-off workers get help from the state .

  5. 建议:政府和金融机构应强化政策执行力度,完善和提高小额担保贷款政策,大力发展风险投资和创业基金,引导创建科学的创业企业融资模式。

    Recommendations : the government and financial institutions should strengthen enforcement , improve and enhance the small loans policies , vigorously develop the risk investment and venture fund and create a scientific enterprise financing mode .