
  1. 前者能够应用于一般意义上的城市会展旅游发展,而后者则能对杭州市会展旅游质量的提升起到一定的指导作用。

    The former can be used in the general sense of the cities ' MICE tourism development , and the latter has certain guiding effect to the promotion of MICE tourism quality in Hangzhou .

  2. 首先是构建了会展旅游体系,这一体系由会展旅游者、会展旅游组织者和会展举办地三部分组成。

    The development framework of MICE tourism is made up of MICE tourismattendees , MICE tourism association and host location .

  3. 会展旅游的快速发展使得会展旅游相关企业只有通过服务集成来为会展旅游者提供满足其多方需求的整体性组合产品,才能保证会展旅游者的满意度。

    The rapid development of the MICE tourism makes enterprises ensure the MICE tourists ' satisfaction through service integration for them to meet their various needs of the overall portfolio of products only .