
  • 网络traditional industry
  1. 第一,随着IT产业由PC时代走向互联网时代,信息科技让传统工业焕发了全新的、旺盛的生命力。

    First , as the IT industry by the PC era to the Internet era of information technology to traditional industries created a new , exuberant vitality .

  2. 十七大提出了以信息化推动工业化的国家战略,推进信息化与传统工业改造相融合,实现产业结构优化升级,促进工业由大变强,这为3G业务的高速发展提供了难得的机遇。

    The 17th National Congress of the CPC put forward the Informationization of the national strategy to promote industrialization , the integration and transformation of the information technology and traditional industries and optimization and upgrading of industrial structure , promoting industrial change to be stronger .

  3. 通过该接口可以改造原来传统工业仪表,使之成为EPA智能仪表。

    It is used to change the traditional instruments to the EPA intelligent instruments .

  4. 针对传统工业机器人采用封闭式控制系统的局限性,设计了一种基于PCI运动控制卡的开放式焊接机器人。

    According to the limitation of the closed control system applied by the traditional industrial robot , an open architecture welding robot based on PCI motion card is designed in this paper .

  5. 采用自制高活性度石灰和传统工业立窑煅烧石灰两种原料来合成纳米碳酸钙,对碳化过程中悬浮体系的pH值和粘度的变化规律及碳酸钙产品的质量进行了比较分析。

    The nano calcium carbonate was synthesized by using the lime with high activity and the lime calcining from traditional industrial kiln as primary materials . The change of pH value and viscosity in carbonization process of suspension were compared and analyzed .

  6. 然而B区各乡镇区位条件较差,受到县城经济带动有限,但由于传统工业、旅游业的发展,各乡镇仍保持着较高的社会经济发展水平。

    However , because of poor location , B partition is subjected to the effect that prefectural region economy grows is limited , but with the development of the traditional industry and the tourism , all the towns still maintains a high social and economic development level .

  7. 关于工业美术美学问题&兼谈涂装技术与工业美术美学的关系传统工业基地技改贷款的市场、政策与制度约束

    Credit Market , Policy and Institutional Arrangement for Traditional Industrial Cities

  8. 应用供应链管理思想改造传统工业企业

    An Exploration of the Reform of Traditional Industrial Enterprise with SCM

  9. 全集成自动化网络与传统工业现场网络的比较

    Comparison Between the All-Integrated Automation Network and Traditional Process Field Network

  10. 论企业信息化对传统工业的技术水平提升

    The technological level promotion of traditional industry by the corporation informationization

  11. 从传统工业的快速增长到现代工业的科学发展&苏南加快工业化进程的成功实践

    From Fast Growth of Traditional Industry to Scientific Development of Modern Industry

  12. 三是利用外资对传统工业进行信息化改造;

    Utilizing foreign information science technology to improve traditional industry .

  13. 过程工业的高速发展导致环境污染不断加剧,对传统工业的改造和实现清洁生产离不开绿色过程系统合成的理论和方法。

    Rapid development of process industries has caused the severe environmental pollutions .

  14. 哈尔滨传统工业城市的更新与复兴策略

    Regeneration and rejuvenation of traditional industrial city of Harbin

  15. 纳米表面工程与改造传统工业

    Nano Surface Engineering and Improvement of Traditional Industry

  16. 用高新技术发展传统工业&第五届亚洲铸造会议

    Developing Traditional Industry by High and New Technology

  17. 传统工业改造步伐加快。

    The transformation of traditional industries was accelerated .

  18. 新兴工业化地区传统工业生态化改造研究

    Traditional Industry Ecologically Rebuilding in Newly Industrialized Area

  19. 种植、编制丝绸是中国传统工业之一。

    The cultivation and weaving of silk was one of China 's oldest industries .

  20. 在传统工业测量过程中,测量仪表通常采用直接接触的方式来测量被测对象。

    In the traditional industry measurement , the measurement instruments adopts a direct-contact way .

  21. 是将自动控制理论应用于实践、推动传统工业向现代化迈进的有益尝试。

    It 's another trying to put the automatic theory into practice and modernization .

  22. 对传统工业设计教学模式的思考

    On the teaching pattern of traditional industrial design

  23. 我国传统工业产品缺少可以直接采用的国际标准。

    International standards which can be adopted directly are very few for traditional products .

  24. 新兴工业和古老的传统工业。

    Nascent industries and old traditional ones .

  25. 应对WTO:加快江苏传统工业经济发展的对策分析

    The Countermeasure Research of Accelerating Developments of Traditional Industry Economy in Jiangsu Province Facing WTO

  26. 传统工业改造和淘汰落后生产能力有较大进展。

    Considerable progress was made in upgrading traditional industries and in eliminating outmoded production capacity .

  27. 在世界各地的城市,微型技术正在取代大型传统工业技术。

    In cities everywhere , tiny or invisible technologies are replacing big old industrial technologies .

  28. 传统工业企业电子商务研究

    E-business of Traditional Industrial Enterprise Research

  29. 我们的传统工业现正朝着这个方向发展,实在令人鼓舞。

    It is encouraging to see that our traditional industries are already moving towards that direction .

  30. 皮革行业是我国传统工业,也是传统的出口创汇型行业。

    The leather trade is traditional industry in our country , it is traditional export trade too .