
  1. 海湾战争使伊拉克大伤元气。

    The Gulf War has cost Iraq dearly . ; Iraq has been drained of its strength by the Gulf War . ; The Gulf War has sapped Iraqi vitality badly .

  2. 这些新增加的税将使我们的钱袋大伤元气。

    These new tax increases will be hard on our pocket .

  3. 上个月跟黑魔王的那场较量让他大伤元气。

    The duel with the Dark Lord last month shook him .

  4. 我住院治疗几个月,大伤元气。

    I was sapped by months of hospital treatment .

  5. 因持续的战事而大伤元气的国家。

    A nation devitalized by a sustained war effort .

  6. 另外,连年战争的影响,也使得这一时期的山东经济大伤元气。

    In addition , the impact of years of war , making this period the Economic debilitating .

  7. 在马来西亚,执政联盟在今年的大选中因严峻的种族对立局势而大伤元气。

    In Malaysia , the ruling coalition emerged bruised from elections this year that underlined serious ethnic tensions .

  8. 即使每个工党议员都干净如保守党的游泳池[11],报销丑闻也将使其大伤元气。

    Even if every Labour MP were as clean as a Tory swimming pool , the expenses scandal would still hurt their party .

  9. 去年8月美国白宫与国会在提高债务上限问题上针锋相对,虽然最后达成协议,但奥巴马和众议院中的共和党人全都大伤元气。

    The bare-knuckle confrontation with Congress resulting in the agreement in August to lift us borrowing limits left both Mr Obama and the Republicans in the house of Representatives on the canvas , bleeding badly .

  10. 在陷入越战泥淖而使美国大伤元气后,新上任的尼克松总统不得不调整美国的地缘政治战略,实行战略收缩政策。

    Having been stuck in the quagmire of the Vietnamese War that cost America dearly , President Nixon , who just took up office , had to re-adjust the U.S. geopolitics strategy and exercised his strategic shrinking policy .

  11. 他们目前可能还没有使出杀手锏,Blatter虽然目前是安全的,但已经伤了元气。

    They may yet come up trumps . Blatter appears safe for now but he is wounded .

  12. 当与自己价值观的完整性背道而驰时,我们将会伤到元气。

    We harm our spirit when we go against the integrity of our own values .

  13. 本文总结了原有建筑物加层及内部重新分隔改造中一些经验和做法,真正做到不伤结构元气,确保工程质量,指明在设计与施工中应注意的问题,又提出了相应的对策和建议。

    This article summarizes experiences and methods of adding floors and interior re-separate in inhering architecture to ensure engineering quality . It also points out the problems in design and construction , and puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions .