
  1. 中奖似的你找到一个无辜者,我们份工就值回了票价。

    Bobby : Once in a while you get an innocent , and that 's why we do this .

  2. 我当年在骑兵队冲锋时&马当先,在赛马时获得胜利,如今却在背上驮了个像袋土豆似的你,想想也觉得好笑!

    Funny to think of me who has led cavalry charges and won races having a potato-sack like you in the saddle !

  3. 看起来像个警察似的你上次交女友是什么时候莱奈尔不关你事

    You look like a cop . When 's the last time you had a girlfriend , Lionel ? None of your business .

  4. 过多的批评裁判,会似的你在下场比赛的时候禁止执教,而有助理教练代为执教一场。

    Criticising referees too often could land you a touchline ban , forcing you to leave the next match in the hands of your assistant manager .

  5. 一转眼,他拖着你穿过阿肯色州长满星毛栎的沼泽,让你在艾达荷州他那碱性平原的牧场上炙烤一阵子,然后才旋风似地带你去维也纳大公们的上流社会。

    He dragged you through an Arkansas post-oak swamp , let you dry for a moment on the alkali plains of his Idaho ranch , then whirled you into the society of Viennese archdukes .

  6. 就好像是有人死了似的,你知道吗?

    Like somebody had died or something , you know ?

  7. 她会象扔手榴弹似的还击你。

    And she 's gonna lob it at you like a grenade .

  8. 她会像家庭主妇指责孩子尿了床似的指责你。

    She is like a matron telling you off for wetting the bed .

  9. 亏我像照顾孩子似的照顾你。

    Out of me feeding you like a baby .

  10. 这几年,问题食品像走马灯似的,你方唱罢我登场。

    Over the past years , the " problem foods " appeared one after another .

  11. 但她发疯似的为你辩护。

    But she went crazy defending you .

  12. 你的心结就像是慢动作似的在你的面前清晰地展开。

    The issues on your mind unfold clearly , as if they were in slow motion .

  13. 我想,不然我们还得坐着受火刑,”唱歌的人反唇相讥,“可别吵了,老头,像个基督徒似的念你的圣经吧,决不要管我。

    But wisht , old man , and read your Bible like a Christian , and never mind me .

  14. 会在餐厅中间跟拼了老命似的同你争夺账单的付款权。

    And will fight to their deaths in the middle of a restaurant for the right to get the bill .

  15. 恩,你知道的,有时我是想这样,不过好像有两个我似的,你懂吗?

    Chandler : Well , y'know , part of me wants that , but it 's like I 'm two guys , y'know ?

  16. 我们常感到像受骗似的,你那样年轻,就离开了我们,然而我们必须学会感恩,你毕竟来过。

    We will all feel cheated always that you were taken from us so young and yet we must learn to be grateful that you came along at all .

  17. 总而言之,我魔住你,缠着你,冤鬼作祟似的附上你,不放你清静。

    In short , I possess you , bind you , follow you like the spirit of a ghost that 's been wronged , and will not leave you in peace .

  18. “你想碰碰运气,以为我蹲在监狱里,不能同女人亲近了,便会像鳟鱼咬饵似的把你一手抓过来啦。”

    " You took a chance that my incarceration away from female companionship would put me in such a state I 'd snap at you like a trout at a worm . "

  19. 这糖醋排骨真嫩,吃起来好像不用嚼似的。你想到中国饭店吃晚餐吗?他们的糖醋排骨棒极了。

    The spareribs in sweet - sour sauce was so tender that it melted in my mouth . Would you like to go to the China Hotel for dinner ? They serve excellent sour and sweet pork steak .

  20. 就好像去夏威夷就一定要开心似的,如果你不开心,你会一个劲儿地感到愧疚。

    There 's such pressure to be happy in Hawaii , if you 're unhappy you 're on a guilt trip

  21. 你可知道,我如坐针毡似的等着你的电话。

    I 've got pins and needles in my hands .

  22. 难道你的心似铁石一般?你真要把我抛离?

    And is thy heart so strong As for to leave me thus ?

  23. 我一直象傻瓜似的到处跟你转。

    I 've hung round and looked like an ass.

  24. 警察像发疯似的到处找你。

    Cops are going nuts looking for you .

  25. 你就可以爽得赛似神仙,好似你想到你就是耶稣基督。

    that can get you as high as if you think you 're Jesus Christ .

  26. 因为我象一个最倒霉和最不吉利的姑娘似的,把你牵累到这个地步。

    For like a most unhappy and thankful maid , it is I have led you hither .

  27. 为工作着装就跟打仗似的,除非你不知道你在干嘛。

    Dressing for work can be a battle , but only if you don 't know what you 're doing .

  28. 就是怪怪的就像吸了毒似的但后来你给我看了那些文�

    You know , weird , and it ... and it seemed like drugs , But then , you showed me those articles .

  29. 而且如果你目标明确地在店里行进,好想你清楚知道你想要什么似的,那么你也不是一名合格的旧货买家。

    And you are no true junk shopper if you march purposefully round the shop as if you knew exactly what you wanted .

  30. 舌头上长了舌苔,喉咙干得像被火烤焦了似的,任你喝多少水也不解渴。

    Her tongue was furred and her throat parched as if flames had scorched it and no amount of water could assuage her thirst .