
tǐ nèi ɡònɡ shēnɡ
  • parachorium
  1. 研究表明,在自然状态下丽蚜小蜂100%感染Wolbachia,其孤雌产雌的生殖方式是由体内共生的Wolbachia引起的,并已成为它的固有生殖模式。

    Researches have shown that thelytoky in E. formosa is caused by Wolbachia and this mode has become its stable reproductive way .

  2. 黑豆蚜AphisfabaeScopoli与其体内共生菌胞相互关系的生态学研究

    An Ecological Study of Interaction between Black Bean Aphid , Aphis Fabae Scopoli , and Its Mycetocyte

  3. 温度对黑豆蚜体内共生菌胞数量及宿主体型大小的影响

    Effect of temperature on the abundance of mycetocytes in Aphis fabae Scopoli ( Aphididae , Homoptera ) and body size of their hosts

  4. 这些结果证明体内共生菌的数量和质量在褐飞虱对水稻致害性的变化中发挥了重要作用。

    These results implied that the symbiote should play an important role in change of virulence of BPH population to resistant rice varieties .

  5. 共生藻的超微结构也有一些变化,饥饿3天的海葵含有正在分裂的细胞,其共生藻含有较多数目的线粒体,而饥饿45天与饥饿280天海葵体内的共生藻出现了较多的脂肪颗粒。

    Some changes in the ultrastructure of symbiotic algae occurred . Symbiotic algae from anemone starved for 3 days contained some dividing cells and had more mitochondria than that from starved anemones for 45 days and 280 days . The latter algae contained some lipid grains .

  6. 高CO2浓度影响褐飞虱的生理代谢,继而会对褐飞虱与体内酵母类共生菌的共生关系产生显著影响。

    Elevated CO2 can markedly affect the symbiosis relationship between YLES and BPH through the bottom-up forcing on BPH physiological metabolism . 3 .

  7. 性别不同,体内酵母类共生菌的长度和宽度有显著差异。

    And there were significant differences in YLES width or length between females and males .

  8. 花生体内氮素在共生期内可以转移到水稻体内,花生固氮量和氮素转移没有相关;

    N-transfer from groundnut to rice was evident but no co-relation between biological nitrogen fixation and nitrogen transfer was found in this experiment .

  9. Wolbachia是普遍存在于节肢动物和丝状线虫体内的胞内共生菌,它通过雌性卵的细胞质传递给子代。

    Wolbachia is the intracellular symbiotic bacterial that infects a wide range of arthropods and nematodes , it is transmitted to offspring through the cytoplasm of eggs .

  10. Wolbachia是存在于飞虱等多种昆虫体内的一类共生菌,它们能通过多种机制调节寄主的生殖,包括诱导细胞质不亲和、孤雌生殖和遗传上的雄性雌性化等。

    Wolbachia are the endosymbiont of many insect pests , which have evolved various mechanisms for manipulating reproduction of their hosts to enhance their transmission , including induction of reproductive incompatibility , parthenogenesis and genetic male feminization .