
  1. 论面向21世纪体育科学研究方法的发展趋势

    On Developing Trends of Sports Science Research Method Facing 21 Century

  2. 体育科学研究方法的学科应用研究

    Analysis on Application of the Research Method in Sports Since for its Subject

  3. 结论:肌电与足底压力同步测量、同步肌电分析方法的结合能有效地获取速滑运动身体信息和揭示运动规律,是一种有力的体育科学研究方法。

    Compartmentalize speed skate single step to six phases . Conclusion : The method of EMG and plantar pressure synchronal measuring and analysis can get athletes body information and recovery sports disciplines effectively . It is a powerful method in the field of sports sciences research .

  4. 体育生物科学研究方法置疑与推敲

    Re-thought to Methodology on Chinese Sports Biological Science Research

  5. 体育生物科学研究方法与技术的变迁与发展不断促进运动训练水平;

    The changes and development of the research methods and technique keep promoting the level of exercise training .

  6. 体育科学研究的方法学探索&基于中国体育学300篇博士学位论文的调查与分析

    Sport Science Research : A Methodological Exploration & Survey and Analysis Based on 300 Doctoral Dissertations of Sport Science in China

  7. 我国体育科学研究中的方法学问题

    Problems of Methodology in Sports Science Research in China

  8. 学校体育科学研究中的实验方法

    On the Experimental Method of Scientific Study on School Physical Education

  9. 体育科学研究中应用数学方法的几点提示

    The Prompting of Applied Mathematical Methods in Sport Scientific Research

  10. 促进高校体育教师科学研究水平的方法与措施

    Raises the University Gym Instructor Scientific Research Level the Method and Measure