
  • 网络stanley ho
  1. 赌场是由菲律宾首富施至诚,澳大利亚亿万富翁JamesPacker和何猷龙,澳门赌王何鸿燊的儿子。

    The casino is a joint venture between thecountry 's richest man Henry Sy , Australian billionaire James Packer and Lawrence Ho , son of Macau casino mogul Stanley Ho .

  2. 澳博将领先地位保持了如此之久,证明许多人都错了,摩根大通(JPMorgan)的分析师BillyNg表示。他预期至少到明年,何鸿燊仍会保持领军者的地位。

    By maintaining its leadership for so long , SJM has proved a lot of people wrong , says Billy Ng , analyst at JPMorgan , who expects Stanley Ho to maintain a lead until at least next year .

  3. 看似不可能的是,何鸿燊的四太太梁安琪(AngelaLeong)还是澳门立法会的议员。

    Mr Ho 's fourth wife , Angela Leong , is an unlikely member of Macao 's legislative assembly .

  4. 最初的股份转移没有何鸿燊的四太梁安琪(AngelaLeong)及其五个子女的份。

    The original transfer did not include Angela Leong , Mr Ho 's fourth wife , or their five children .

  5. 一年后,何鸿燊长子何犹龙(Lawrence)与帕克旗下PBL的合资公司,以9亿美元买下了从永利度假村次级经营权牌照。

    A year later , another joint venture pairing Mr Ho 's eldest son , Lawrence , with Mr Packer 's PBL paid Wynn resorts $ 900m for its sub-concession .

  6. 2005年4月,何鸿燊之女何超琼(Pansy)与美高梅组建的合资企业,以2亿美元从何鸿燊手中买下了次级经营权牌照。

    A joint venture between Mr Ho 's daughter , Pansy , and MGM paid the tycoon $ 200m for his sub-concession in April 2005 .

  7. 但在与何鸿燊一贯不和的胞妹何婉琪(WinnieHo)申请法庭下令暂停上市后,该公司决定推迟上市至7月16日。

    But the company decided to push back the float to July 16 after Mr Ho 's estranged sister , Winnie , sought a court order to halt the listing .

  8. 浅水湾道1号是澳门赌王何鸿燊(StanleyHo)的住宅。一位参观过该住宅的人说,这座住宅不仅反映了其主人的财富,也反映了他属于上世纪70年代的审美情趣。

    No 1 Repulse Bay Road is the residence of Stanley Ho , the gambling king of Macao , and the house reflects both the wealth and 1970s aesthetic sensibilities of its occupant , according to one person who has visited .

  9. 云顶的创始人是已故马来西亚华人大亨林梧桐,该公司尤其热衷于在澳门发掘商机。米高梅幻影与澳门赌王何鸿燊(StanleyHo)之女何超琼(PansyHo)在澳门有一家对等持股的合资企业。

    Genting , founded by the late Malaysian Chinese tycoon Lim Goh Tong , is particularly keen to explore opportunities in Macao , where MGM Mirage has a 50-50 joint venture with Pansy Ho , the daughter of Hong Kong gaming magnate Stanley Ho .

  10. 米高梅幻影与何鸿燊之女何超琼(PansyHo)建立了一家澳门合资企业。分析师猜测,现金紧张的米高梅幻影可能将被迫出售所持合资企业中50%的股权,最大的可能性是卖给其合资伙伴。

    Analysts have speculated that cash-strapped MGM Mirage , which has a Macao joint venture with Pansy Ho , Stanley Ho 's daughter , could be forced to sell its 50 per cent stake in the tie-up , most likely to its partner .

  11. 何鸿燊的综合企业信德集团(ShunTak)也为他增加了资本。由于在澳门的房地产、交通和酒店业拥有大量权益,信德集团从澳门过去几年飞速的经济增长中受益匪浅。

    Adding to this is Shun Tak , Stanley Ho 's conglomerate , which has been benefiting from the territory 's breakneck growth in the last few years thanks to its vast interests in Macao 's property , transportation and hospitality industries .

  12. 该计划建议葡航与澳门商人何鸿燊先生的Geocapital公司一起收购Varig20%的股份。

    The plan proposes that the Portuguese carrier acquire a20 % stake in the company together with Geocapital , a company controlled by Macau businessman Stanley Ho .

  13. 但DGE的监管报告认为,何鸿燊涉嫌与亚洲有组织犯罪团伙有往来,建议宣布何超琼是一个不合适的合作伙伴,同时建议美高梅脱离与她的任何直接或间接关系或财务关系。

    The report , citing Mr Ho 's alleged association with Asian organised crime figures , recommended that Pansy Ho be declared an unsuitable partner and that MGM Mirage disengage from any direct or indirect business or financial association with [ her ] .

  14. 然而,何鸿燊在一周内却反复更改指令。

    Instead , Mr Ho this week repeatedly changed his instructions .

  15. 何鸿燊意识到,这场赌博的局势已经改变了。

    Mr Ho must have realised that the game has changed .

  16. 何鸿燊在周四公开表示支持曾荫权。

    Mr Ho openly expressed his support on Thursday for Mr Tsang .

  17. 与此同时,何鸿燊则表现出了较强的适应能力,并决心参与竞争。

    Mr Ho , meanwhile , has shown the flexibility and resolve to compete .

  18. 但他表示,作为何鸿燊的律师,他至今尚无法看到这些文件。

    As his lawyer , he said he had been unable to do so thus far .

  19. 1962年,何鸿燊及一些投资者从葡萄牙统治的殖民政府赢得赌场专营权。

    He and a group of investors won a gambling monopoly from the Portuguese-run colonial government in1962.Mr .

  20. 为了安抚韦恩和何鸿燊,他们各自获准出售一张次级经营权牌照。

    To mollify Mr Wynn and Mr Ho , both were allowed to sell one sub-concession apiece .

  21. 何鸿燊则始终否认与澳门或香港犯罪团伙或黑道有任何关系。

    Mr Ho has consistently denied any connections with Macao or Hong Kong criminal gangs , or triads .

  22. 我们有几十间贵宾厅难以维持正常经营,外界援引何鸿燊的话称。我不能再保持沉默了,他补充道。

    Dozens of our VIP halls are having difficulty maintaining business , Mr Ho was quoted as saying .

  23. 但新加坡方面还似乎担心,何鸿燊可能从云顶计划开发的澳门度假胜地赚得一笔。

    But Singapore also appeared to be concerned that he would benefit financially from Genting 's planned Macao resort .

  24. 如果与何鸿燊的投资泡汤,要想进入澳门,云顶集团将被迫寻找另一个赌场经营伙伴。

    If the investment with Mr Ho collapses , Genting will have to find another franchise partner to enter Macao .

  25. 两张牌照都发给了与何鸿燊子女相关的合资企业,使得这个澳门最强大的家族获得了六张牌照中的三张。

    Both went to joint ventures involving Mr Ho 's children , giving Macao 's most powerful family three of the six licences .

  26. 周一有消息称,何鸿燊将其在控股公司的股权进行了转让&这家公司间接控制了其赌场与酒店物业。

    It emerged on Monday that Mr Ho had transferred his stake in the holding company that indirectly controls his casino and hotel properties .

  27. 何鸿燊的健康状况成为所有人的关注焦点,这件事凸显出对于拥有50万人口的澳门,这位最具权势的商人有多么重要。

    That Mr Ho 's health has become everyone 's focus highlights the significance of the most powerful businessman in a city of 500,000 people .

  28. 要了解何鸿燊商业帝国的版图及其将如何转移到下一代人身上,这并非易事。

    Understanding the full extent of Mr Ho 's commercial empire and how it might be parcelled out to the next generation is not easy .

  29. 在对何鸿燊的抱怨做出回应时,埃德森建议那些“无法忍受热度的人离开厨房”。

    Responding to Mr Ho 's gripes , Mr Adelson advised those who " can 't stand the heat get out of the kitchen " .

  30. 云顶集团与何鸿燊结盟,令新加坡产生担忧。何鸿燊在澳门长期占据赌博业的主导地位。澳门原先是葡萄牙的殖民地。

    Singapore has raised concerns about Genting 's association with Mr Ho , who has long dominated the gaming industry in the former Portuguese territory .