
  • 网络Henry Fok
  1. 2006年,亲北京的香港大亨霍英东(henryfok)逝世,享年83岁。

    In 2006 , Henry Fok , a prominent pro-Beijing magnate , died at the age of 83 .

  2. 霍英东的遗体将于今早由专机运返香港。

    A chartered flight will carry Henry Fok Ying-tung 's body to Hong Kong this morning .

  3. 霍英东:传奇一生成功演绎香港故事

    Ho Yingdong : A Legendary Life to Deduce Hong Kong Story

  4. 霍英东在政治上的低调作风可能反映了他的个性。

    Fok 's low-key approach to politics may have been a reflection of his personality .

  5. 不在艰难中屈服,要在艰难中自强。(霍英东)

    Never yield to hardships , strive unceasingly against any difficulty instead . ( Huo Yingdong )

  6. 霍启刚是香港大亨霍震霆的长子和霍英东的孙子。

    Fok is the eldest son of Hong Kong tycoon Timothy Fok and eldest grandson of Henry Fok .

  7. 波波:他是几周前过世的香港大富翁霍英东的孙子。

    Bobo : He is a grandson of Hongkong tycoon Henry Fok who just passed away weeks ago .

  8. 霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年先生基金(批准号:)资助的课题。

    Project supported by the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation for Young Teachers in the Higher Education Institutions of China ( Grant No. ) .

  9. 广州市香港科大霍英东研究院(究院)霍英东基金会及霍英东铭源发展有限公司的财政支持下,于2006年成立。

    The HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute was established in2006 under the auspices of the Fok Ying Tung foundation and the Fok Ying Tung Ming Yuan Development Company Ltd.

  10. 根据大公报报道,霍先生捐献了4亿多港元用来建设各类体育设施并在1984年建立了霍英东基金会。

    He donated more than HK $ 400 million ( US $ 51.4 million ) to sporting projects following the establishment of the Fok Ying-tung Foundation in1984 , according to the Ta Kung Po .

  11. 郭晶晶与霍启刚(香港近代富豪霍英东的孙子)的秘密恋情,已经引起了全民的想象,人们似乎在关注运动员赛场表现之余,也愈加关心起他们的私人生活了。

    Guo Jingjing ` s alleged romance with Kenneth Fok , the grandson of late Hong Kong tycoon Henry Fok , has captured the imagination of a country that seems to have become as interested in the private lives of its athletes as in their athletic performances .