
  • 网络Wong Kwong Yu;Guang-Yuh Hwang
  1. 黄光裕两年前已经有过被调查的记录。

    Two years ago , Wong Kwong Yu has been under investigation records .

  2. 这意味着,黄光裕旗下的相关公司有可能卷入其中。

    This means that Wong Kwong Yu 's related companies are likely involved .

  3. 黄光裕实际上是名不见经传的EagleVantageAssetManagement公司的实际所有人,也就是这家公司提出的报价。

    Mr. Huang is the beneficial owner of the little-known Hong Kong company , called Eagle Vantage Asset Management , which submitted the bid .

  4. 自去年11月份黄光裕接受调查至今,国美电器的股票一直暂停交易。不过贝恩资本(BainCapital)正计划收购这家公司18%的股份。

    Shares in GOME have been suspended from trade since the investigation of Huang began in November , though Bain Capital is stepping in to take an18 % stake in the troubled company .

  5. 然而,黄光裕希望通过与贝尔斯登的合作,扩大在中国零售业的影响力。这家美国银行及黄光裕个人所有的鹏润投资集团(EagleInvestmentGroup)将各投入2.5亿美元。

    However , Mr Huang is seeking to expand his reach in the Chinese retail sector through the tie-up with Bear Stearns , in which the US bank and his personally owned Eagle Investment Group will each invest $ 250m .

  6. 1300家门店的规模赋予了国美减价和与供应商协商更苛刻条件(黄光裕被称作价格屠夫)的优势,同时增加了美国百思买(BestBuy)在中国立足的难度。

    The scale that comes from 1,300 stores has allowed Gome to negotiate tougher terms with suppliers and to cut prices ( he is known as the price butcher ) . It also made it harder for Best Buy to get a foothold in the Chinese market .

  7. 但黄光裕通过ShiningCrownHoldings和ShineGroup两家控股公司,继续控制着国美的34%股权。而且身陷囹圄并未阻止黄光裕继续交易股票,并以他的持股进行投票。

    Mr Huang , however , continues to control 34 per cent of Gome through two holding companies , Shining Crown Holdings and Shine Group , and his detention has not prevented him from trading and voting his shares .

  8. 黄光裕的粤语名字念作wongkwongyu,他较早涉足房地产投资,还与现在已不复存在的投行贝尔斯登(bearstearns)联手创立了一只投资基金。

    Mr Huang , who is also known by his Cantonese name Wong Kwong Yu , was an early investor in real estate and the founder of an investment fund with the now-defunct investment bank Bear Stearns .

  9. 中国电器零售商国美(Gome)已就战略股份的可能出售与外国投资者进行了初步谈判。国美董事长黄光裕因涉嫌股价操纵丑闻正接受调查。

    Gome , the Chinese electrical retailer whose chairman is being investigated as part of an alleged share trading scandal , has held preliminary talks with foreign investors over the possible sale of a strategic stake .

  10. 但黄光裕(他的粤语名字是wongkwongyu)展现出了资本家的本能,他直接从广东家乡的工厂进货,然后在北京出售。

    But Mr Huang ( who is also known by the Cantonese version of his name , Wong Kwong Yu ) showed his capitalist instincts by buying goods directly from the new factories in his Guangdong hometown and selling them in Beijing .

  11. 他们还突显了黄光裕案的调查强度。黄光裕为国美电器(Gome)创始人,自去年11月底有关他因涉嫌经济犯罪而遭逮捕的新闻开始流传以后,他一直没有露面。

    They also highlight the intensity of the investigation surrounding Mr Huang , the founder of the Gome electronics group , who has not been seen since late November when reports of his arrest on suspicion of economic crimes began to circulate .

  12. 黄光裕可能面临10年有期徒刑。

    Mr Huang could face up to 10 years in prison .

  13. 在此过程中,黄光裕成为中国靠自己力量成功的最年轻的亿万富翁。

    In the process Mr Huang became China 's youngest self-made billionaire .

  14. 从外表上看,黄光裕是一个说话温和、抽烟不断的人。

    In person , Mr Huang speaks softly and chain-smokes .

  15. 37岁的黄光裕已用事实证明自己是一个格外老练的学生。

    Mr Huang , 37 , has proved a particularly adept student .

  16. 我们见面后10天,黄光裕便销声匿迹了。

    Ten days after we met , Mr Huang disappeared .

  17. 国美昨日表示,黄光裕下落不明。

    Gome said yesterday that the wherabouts of Mr Huang were unclear .

  18. 当时黄光裕发表了一封公开信,攻击引入贝恩资本的举措。

    Mr Huang published a letter attacking the move to bring in Bain .

  19. 黄光裕仍然是国美的最大股东。

    Mr Huang is still Gome 's largest shareholder .

  20. 黄光裕与陈晓之间的分歧在去年8月公开化。

    The disagreement between Mr Huang and Mr Chen went public in August .

  21. 这是黄光裕调查的导火索。

    This is Wong Kwong Yu surveyed the fuse .

  22. 今年1月,国美正式宣布黄光裕辞去董事会主席职务。

    Gome announced his resignation as chairman in January .

  23. 董事长黄光裕因涉嫌欺诈被警方拘留。

    Chairman Huang Guangyu was held by police on suspicion of unspecified skulduggery .

  24. 黄光裕16岁时辍学。

    Mr Huang dropped out of school at 16 .

  25. 黄光裕:我不是中国首富

    I am not the richest man in China

  26. 黄光裕于2008年末开始被拘留。

    He has been detained since late 2008 .

  27. 黄光裕拥有很多连锁店。

    Huang Guangyu owns a chain of stores .

  28. 面对这样的不确定性,一些业内观察人士表示,黄光裕可能将很快重新现身。

    Amid such uncertainty , some industry watchers said Mr Huang could quickly re-appear .

  29. 黄光裕表示:收购帮助我们变得更具竞争力。

    Acquisitions help us to become more competitive .

  30. 黄光裕对于自己如何起家,一直讳莫如深。

    Wong Kwong Yu about how to start their own has been a closely-guarded secret .