
  • 网络Working Sequence;SEQUENCE;Work Sequence
  1. 该模型和实验方法可将SLS成型时间的计算误差控制在秒内,这对于SLS服务方的对外报价、安排作业顺序和权衡加工效率与成型件性能之间的优先权有十分重要的参照作用。

    This model and the experiment solution can restrict the calculating error of the forming time to seconds which have important reference to externally quoting , arranging the working sequence and balancing the priority between the process efficiency and prototyping function of SLS provider .

  2. 其次,建立了针对龙门起重机的作业顺序问题的目标函数模型。

    Secondly , establishing a target function model concerning operation sequence of gantry crane .

  3. Flow-Shop网络中最大服务效率的作业顺序

    Jobs Scheduling Method of the Maximal Operation Efficiency in the Flow-Shop System

  4. 最后,结合生产线实际资源约束情况,对各区域子工位之间的作业顺序进行调整,从而完成规划。

    Finally , the sequence of the sub-station of different zone was adjusted under production resources constraints .

  5. 为适应资源性能的动态性,一个参数应用被分成若干作业顺序调度。

    To adapt to the dynamic of resource capabilities , a parameter application was divided into some jobs scheduled sequentially .

  6. 以最优或近似最优的作业顺序编制满足关键资源约束的生产计划优化问题一直是企业生产管理中重要的研究课题之一。

    It is an important research task in production optimization to get an optimal production scheduling plan which satisfies with the resource constraints .

  7. 露天采矿遵循与地下采矿相同的作业顺序:钻孔、爆破、装载并运走废料和矿石。

    Open-pit mining follows the same sequence of operations as underground mining : drilling , blasting , and loading and removing waste and ore.

  8. 优化结果同时可给出生产作业顺序、工艺路线和生产时刻等,测试结果证明了该方法的有效性和适用性。

    The results show that the schedule , location and time of every heat can be determined simultaneously , so the method is effective and applicable .

  9. 在成批处理中作业按顺序完成。比较和排序都按照二进制的顺序进行处理。

    In batch processing the jobs are run to completion in consequence . Comparison and sorting is performed based on binary sort orders .

  10. 使用4个不同的优先级我们发现,每个作业按照优先级顺序完成。

    With four different priorities , we see the effect of the different niceness values as each job finishes in priority order .

  11. 作业永远不会打破顺序运行,并且如果一个作业失败了,TWS可以在操作员少量参予甚至不参予的情况下对之进行恢复。

    Jobs never run out of sequence , and if a job fails , the TWS handles the recovery process with little or no operator intervention .

  12. 以下为钻井程序实例,在实际作业中一般按顺序实施。

    The following is an example drilling procedure listing in sequential order the actions to be taken .

  13. 并建立了西服生产工艺流程图的有向网络任务图,以更清楚地表示西服作业工序之间先后顺序关系。

    And the network task flow graph of suit production technique was established in order to express the order relation between the suit operation processes more clearly .