
  • 网络crop composition and distribution;allocation of crops
  1. 基于WebGIS的作物布局群决策支持系统的实现途径研究

    A Group Decision Support System for Crop Composition and Distribution on the Basis of Web GIS

  2. 本研究以作物布局为研究对象,以优化利用农业资源,获取最大经济效益为主要目的,着重运用数学建糢技术和计算机技术来研究群决策支持系统的建立。

    The research works on crop composition and distribution . Its chief goal is to optimize the agricultural resource and gain the maximum economic effectiveness . It emphasizes on applying mathematics modeling technology and computer technology to research the establishment of group decision support system .

  3. 基于Internet作物布局专家支持系统的设计

    The Design of Expert Supporting System for Crop Patterns Based on Internet

  4. 在信息数据库基础上,利用GIS和计算机技术探讨了重庆地区农业气候资源的空间分布模拟、量化分析与评价、作物布局及气候资源的充分利用等问题。

    On the basis of information database , the part had a discussion on the dimensional distribution , quantitative evaluation , the use full of agroclimatic resources and crop distribution in ChongQing region by making use of GIS and computer .

  5. 品种中心灰靶布局理论在作物布局上的应用

    Application of variety central grey target patterns theory on crop patterns

  6. 2积极调整农业结构和作物布局;

    To adjust the agricultural structure and the crop distribution .

  7. 调整作物布局,提高结构效益。

    Regulate crop distribution to increasing structure benefit .

  8. 作物布局中的一些定量分析问题

    Problems of quantitative analysis in crop distribution

  9. 作物布局模糊规划的研究&以河南省封丘县为例

    Study of Fuzzy Planning of Crop Distribution

  10. 作物布局优化模型及其在农业区划中应用

    An optimization model for the crops distribution and its application to the provincial agricultural regionalization

  11. 系统决策与作物布局&徐州地区秋作物布局实例分析

    System decision and crop layout & an analysis of the autumn crop layout in the Xuzhou District

  12. 天水农业气候年景分析与主要粮食作物布局研究

    An Analysis of Tianshui 's Agricultural Climate and a Study on the Layout of the Main Crops

  13. 作物布局、耕作制度、栽培技术与棉铃虫调控

    Effect of Crop Distribution , Cropping Systems and Planting Technique on Adjustment and Control of Cotton Bollworm

  14. 华北平原节水农业作物布局空间决策系统研究

    A study on the spatial decision making system of crop allocation for water saving agriculture in North China

  15. 同时也为日光温室长度的确定和室内作物布局提供理论依据。

    It can be referenced for the decision of the length of sunlight greenhouse and the layout of the crop .

  16. 土壤湿度是干旱预报、农业生产、作物布局和农业决策的重要指标之一。

    Soil moisture is one of the most important indexes for drought prediction , agricultural production , crop layout and agricultural decision making .

  17. 针对农场的实际情况,以作物布局方式及作业工艺作为研究对象,对具体的生产单位进行了水稻田间生产机器系统的配备分析研究。

    The paper takes crops distribution methods and operation technics as the study object and does analysis researches on rices field production machinery system on certain work units .

  18. 发展旱作农业主要措施是培肥地力、蓄水保墒、调整作物布局。

    Fertilizing the soil , storing water to keep the moisture of the soil and adjusting the distribution of crops are the main measures of developing dry farming .

  19. 导致这一演替的主要原因为作物布局、耕作制度、栽培方法、管理技术的变化和农药化肥的过量施用。

    The main reason for this succession might be the changes in crops distribution , cultivation type , planting method , management technique and over-use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers .

  20. 并根据不同区域气候特点和产量水平,提出了作物布局调整方案,对本地优势作物基地建设提供了科学依据。

    According to different region 's climatic feature and yield level , a suggestion about crops ' distribution adjustment is put forward , providing a scientific basis for the construction of local optimal crops base .

  21. 近年来,随着作物布局、耕作制度、气候变化等系列因素的影响,蚜虫已有跃升为我国玉米生长的主要害虫之势,已显著制约和影响了部分产区玉米的产量和品质。

    With the change of crops distribution , farming systems and climate conditions , corn aphid is becoming one of the most important pest , which has affected the maize yield and quality in some area .

  22. 根据气候未来的变化趋势,及时调整作物布局,改革现有的传统的耕作制度,科学利用土地,改革耕作制度,减少农业排放。

    According to change tendency of the future climate , adjust the crop allocation in time , reform the traditional cropping system , make rational use of the land , reform cropping system , reduce the agricultural emissions .

  23. 结果表明:该方法由于统筹考虑了多个性状,故可得出一个综合性的较高的结论,克服了方差分析、回归分析等分析方法在作物布局分析上的缺点。表5,参4。

    The results showed that a comprehensive conclusion can be drawn because many characters were synthesized , and shortcomings of some analyzing methods , including analysis of variance and analysis of regression , on analysis of crop patterns can be overcome .

  24. 根据地理状况、气候条件、作物布局、农业昆虫种类与分布为害特点等因素,将陕西农业昆虫地理区划为2界6区。

    According to geographical features , climate , crops , insect kinds and characteristics of their distribution and occurrence , their geographical division in Shaanxi can fall into two realms_Palearctic Realm and Oriental Realm , with Qinling Mountains as the dividing line .

  25. 分析了80年代以来作物布局、耕作制度、栽培技术的变化,指出这些变化与棉铃虫为害有着密切的关系,从这一角度提出了调控棉铃虫的措施。

    Changes of crop distribution , cropping systems and planting technique since 1980s are analysed , It is found that those changes has good relationship with cotton bollworm . And the measure of adjustment and control of cotton bollworm is put forward .

  26. 近年来随着耕作制度的变化,以及作物布局的多样化,致使大螟发生危害逐年加重,在有些地区甚至成为水稻螟虫的优势种。

    In recent years , with the changes in cultivation and diversification of crops , the damage caused by this pest becomes serious year by year . In some areas , pink stem borer even becomes the dominant species of rice borers .

  27. 作物布局是农业生产的一个重要环节,直接关系到农业生态系统资源输入(物质条件、科学技术、气候资源和生物资源等)的利用和转化效率的高低。

    Crop layout is an important link in agricultural production , and it has direct influence on the efficiency of the utilization and transformation of agroecosystem resources , which include the material conditions , science and technology , climatic and biological resources , etc.

  28. 作物布局是指农作物的地域分布,合理的作物布局可以充分发挥各地区自然资源和经济条件的优势,提高农作物的产量和质量,取得较好的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。

    Crop pattern means the Regional distribution of crops , A reasonable crop pattern can give full play to natural resources and economic condition . Increase output and quality of crops , and make a good benefit of economic , ecological and social .

  29. 随着国际市场和烟草工业对烟叶品质要求的提高,以及气候变化、作物布局和栽培制度等的改变,我国烟草病虫害的发生呈上升趋势。

    Tobacco diseases and insect pests occurrence assumes the trend of escalation in China , along with increasing demanding of enhancement of tobacco quality from international market and the tobacco industry , and the change of the crops layout and the change of the cultivation system .

  30. 基于遗传算法和GIS的作物空间布局优化

    Crop Spatial Distribution Optimization Based On GIS and Gene Algorithm