
zuò wén
  • composition;write a composition;theme
作文 [zuò wén]
  • (1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章

  • (2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习

作文[zuò wén]
  1. 写作文之前先写个提纲。

    Make an outline before trying to write a composition .

  2. 一天课上,老师要同学们以“如果我是一个经理”为题写一篇作文。

    One day in class , the teacher assigned1 his students to write a composition - if I Am a Manager .

  3. 考试包括一篇作文和一篇即席翻译。

    The exam consists of an essay and an unseen translation .

  4. 现在我们等着他们交上作文。

    Now we wait for them to turn in their essays

  5. 吉恩在拍卖会上作文书工作。

    Gene clerked at the auction

  6. 孩子们可能觉得在书信中比在正式的作文中更容易表达自己的观点。

    Children may find it easier to express themselves in a letter than in a formal essay .

  7. 除了有几个拼写错误外,你的作文整体上写得很好。

    Your composition is good except for some spelling mistakes .

  8. 他在作文中犯了多处拼写错误。

    He made several spelling mistakes in the composition .

  9. 他把作文交给了老师。

    He handed his composition to the teacher .

  10. 她把作文重新写了一遍。

    She wrote her composition anew .

  11. 她的作文毫无瑕疵。

    Her composition is flawless .

  12. 请压缩一下你的作文。

    Please shorten your composition .

  13. 教师挑选出一篇作文来供课堂上讨论。

    The teacher singled out one composition for class discussion .

  14. 你为什么不选一个好一点的作文题?

    Why didn 't you select a better subject for your composition ?

  15. 作为练习的自由命题的作文有其局限性。

    Free composition as an exercise has its limitation .

  16. 这篇作文写得还顺。

    This essay is grammatically smooth and readable .

  17. 他的作文有进步。

    His composition has improved .

  18. 除了几处语法错误之外,你这篇作文写得不错。

    Apart from [ Except for ] a few grammatical mistakes , this composition of yours is well written .

  19. 我上一篇作文得了个b,但这一篇只得b-。

    I got a B for my last essay , but only a B minus for this one .

  20. 老师指出了我作文中用错的词句。

    My teacher pointed out the wrong choice of expressions in my composition .

  21. 那个懒惰的学生抄袭了我的作文。

    The lazy student cribbed the composition off me .

  22. 这篇作文像是熬夜赶制的。

    This composition was probably rushed out overnight .

  23. 这个男孩自以为作文写得好。

    The boy flattered on his composition .

  24. 你的作文内容很好,但文字不够简单明了。

    The matter in your composition is quite good but the writing is not lucid enough .

  25. 找出作文中的毛病。

    Find fault in a composition .

  26. 这篇作文行文流畅。

    This composition reads smoothly .

  27. 一吃过晚饭,他便坐下来,不到半个小时就把作文写好了。

    Immediately after supper , he sat down and knocked off his composition in half an hour .

  28. 他说,“随着班级规模的不断扩大,大多数老师都不太可能就学生的作文给出有意义的反馈。”

    With increasingly large classes , it is impossible for most teachers to give students meaningful feedback on writing assignments , he said .

  29. 该团体自称是“反对重要测试中使用机器对学生作文进行评分的专业人士”,现已收集到了近2,000个签名,其中也包括一些知名人士,如诺姆·乔姆斯基等。

    The group , which calls itself Professionals Against Machine Scoring of Student Essays in High-Stakes Assessment , has collected nearly 2,000 signatures , including some from famous people like Noam Chomsky .

  30. 把作文交给史密斯太太的时候,我并没有抱多大的期待,所以第二天当我收到写着"A"的作文时大吃一惊。

    I didn 't expect anything when I handed in my paper to Mrs. Smith , so it was quite a surprise when it came back to me the next day - with an " A " on it .