
zhěn duàn
  • diagnosis;diagnose;diacrisis
诊断 [zhěn duàn]
  • [diagnosis] 诊视而判断病情及其发展情况

  • 关于肺炎的诊断

诊断[zhěn duàn]
  1. 此项化验可用于诊断多种疾病。

    The test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases .

  2. 然而,考奇解释称,问题是,目前还不能在心碎综合征发生之前对患者进行诊断,这使得在现实中很难检测这些分子是否升高。

    However , the problem is that it is not possible , for now , to diagnose takotsubo in patients before it happens , making it difficult to test whether these molecules are elevated in real-life cases , Couch explained .

  3. 准确的诊断是在一系列的检查后作出的。

    An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests .

  4. 有些胎儿的畸形部位得等到妊娠后期才能诊断出来。

    Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy .

  5. 他64岁时被诊断患有糖尿病。

    He was diagnosed a diabetic when he was 64 .

  6. 他们正在等待医生的诊断结论。

    They are waiting for the doctor 's diagnosis .

  7. 我要做诊断测试,弄清为什么服务器总是不断地生故障。

    I 'll run a diagnostic test to see why the server keeps crashing .

  8. 他最近被诊断出患有心绞痛。

    He has recently been diagnosed with angina .

  9. 此病诊断为癌症。

    The illness was diagnosed as cancer .

  10. 如有必要,还要进行X光检查和验血以帮助诊断。

    If necessary X-rays and blood tests will also be used to aid diagnosis

  11. 这种疾病容易诊断,但却不容易治疗。

    This disorder is easily diagnosed but not so easily treated .

  12. 智能计算机将成为医生不可或缺的诊断工具。

    An intelligent computer will be an indispensable diagnostic tool for doctors .

  13. 我们的医生诊断是喉部感染,并且开了一些抗生素和小剂量阿司匹林。

    Our doctor diagnosed a throat infection and prescribed antibiotic and junior aspirin

  14. 对于我的医生的诊断,我想找一位专家进行二次诊断。

    I would like a second opinion on my doctor 's diagnosis .

  15. 两年前,我丈夫被诊断患了不治之症。

    Two years ago my husband was declared to be terminally ill .

  16. 苏珊精神崩溃,被诊断为得了精神分裂症。

    Susan had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia

  17. 病症的及早诊断可避免死亡与病痛。

    Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness

  18. 他被诊断患有严重的阅读困难症,但是却绝顶聪明。

    He was diagnosed as severely dyslexic but extraordinarily bright .

  19. 诊断结果令人震惊:她得了癌症。

    The diagnosis was devastating . She had cancer .

  20. 他最终被诊断出患了晚期癌症。

    He was eventually diagnosed as suffering from terminal cancer

  21. 为了作出准确的诊断,医生会对病人进行彻底的检查。

    Doctors examine their patients thoroughly in order to make a correct diagnosis .

  22. 他被诊断患了无法手术的肺癌。

    He was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer .

  23. 这些士兵经诊断患了流感。

    The soldiers were diagnosed as having flu

  24. 也许是那种被诊断为绝症的疾病让他有了时日无多之感。

    Perhaps that illness , diagnosed as fatal , gave him a sense of living on borrowed time .

  25. 医生诊断这病为肺炎。

    The doctor diagnosed the illness as pneumonia .

  26. 探讨crp用于未足月胎膜早破的患者绒毛膜羊膜炎的诊断准确性。

    To determine the diagnostic accuracy of CRP in the of chorioamnionitis in women with pprom .

  27. 医生诊断她得的是重感冒。

    The doctor concluded that her disease was a heavy cold .

  28. 结论羊水细胞培养进行产前诊断是十分安全而可靠的。

    Conclusion amniotic fluid culture for prenatal diagnosis is very safe and reliable .

  29. 诊断通常在卡他期终了前尚不能作出。

    The diagnosis is usually not made until the end of the catarrhal stage .

  30. 检查痰中瘤细胞,可对某些病例作出诊断。

    Examination of the sputum for ncoplastic cells may establish the diagnosis in some cases .