
  1. 这太好了,你真是太体贴了。

    This has been so nice , so terribly kind of you .

  2. 查尔斯说:“见到你真是太高兴了。”

    ' It 's so nice to see you , ' said Charles .

  3. 我是说,你真是太疯狂了。

    I mean , how crazy can you get ?

  4. 玛丽,见到你真是太高兴了!

    Mary ! How lovely to see you !

  5. 你真是太好了,大老远来看我。

    It 's awfully nice of you to come all this way to see me

  6. 亲爱的!见到你真是太好了。

    Darling ! It 's lovely to see you

  7. “你真是太幸运了。”——“你这话是什么意思?”

    ' You 're unbelievably lucky . ' — ' What do you mean by that ? '

  8. “你真是太好了。”她说,并在我们交换票时表达了她的谢意。

    " That 's very kind of you . " she said , and expressed her thanks as we traded our tickets .

  9. 这时候,已经上岸的人又拼命地向他喊道:“你真是太糊涂,太死心眼了,连人都快要淹死了,还要钱干什么?”

    At this moment , those who had got on the bank shouted to him desperately4 : " You are such a headstrong fool . You are about to drown , so what do you want the money for ? "

  10. W:看到你真是太开心了,你看上去不错。

    Woman : Great to see you again ! You 're looking really well ! Man : Oh !

  11. 你真是太对了不可否认让我们来聊聊X-Factor

    You are right , right , right . You 're right , right . Can 't deny that . Let 's talk about the X-Factor .

  12. 这么多年之后见到你真是太好了!

    It 's so good seeing you after all these years !

  13. 你真是太好了,我简直不敢相信!

    You 're too kind . I can hardly believe it !

  14. 简:莉莉!见到你真是太高兴了。

    Jane : Lily ! It 's nice to see you .

  15. 把我邀请到这儿,你真是太好了。

    It was extremely kind of you to invite me here .

  16. 有时候你真是太可笑了,我亲爱的瓦特尔。

    Sometimes you can be quite ridiculous , my dear vatel .

  17. 你真是太误会所发生的这些了。

    You could not be more wrong about what 's happen .

  18. 给我礼物?你真是太费心了。

    A gift for me ? You shouldn 't have .

  19. 在这种场合说这些你真是太机智了

    Really smart of you to say that right here .

  20. 你真是太棒了,你是学什么专业的?

    That 's pretty great . What are you studying ?

  21. 今晚不能见你真是太讨厌了

    I hate that I can 't see you tonight .

  22. 你真是太容易放弃了,是不是?

    You give up awful easy , don 't you ?

  23. 昨晚你真是太棒了,大师。

    That was off the chain last night , guru .

  24. 能见到你真是太好了

    It 's so good to see you . Um ...

  25. 见到你真是太好了,瞧瞧你,哇哦

    How lovely to see you . Look at you . Wow .

  26. 见到你真是太高兴了。

    A : It 's my greatest pleasure to have met you .

  27. 哦,我的上帝!你真是太好了!

    Oh , my God ! That is so sweet of you !

  28. 能这样吻你真是太美妙了。

    To be able to do that is such a wonderful thing .

  29. 能见到你真是太好了,塞巴斯蒂安

    It was really great to see you , Sebastian .

  30. 你真是太可爱了

    Well , ain 't you just the cutest thing .