
  1. 第二个问题则是:你来自何方?

    The second question is , Where are you coming from ?

  2. 那么你来自何方呢?

    And where do you come from that compares ?

  3. 你来自何方,你曾经选择的生活轨迹已经不再重要。

    It won 't matter where you come from , or on what side of the tracks you lived .

  4. 你来自何方,住在穷人区还是富人区也都不重要了。

    It won 't matter where you came from , or on what side of the tracks you lived .

  5. 不管你来自何方,只要你能让别人开怀大笑,这也是结交新朋友的一个好方法。

    No matter where you may come from , making someone laugh is a great way to make a new friend .

  6. 所以,无论你来自何方,请不要错过这个与众多好友一起分享对加拿大之爱的好机会。

    So don 't miss this opportunity to share in our love for Canada , no matter where you come from .

  7. 因此,无论你来自何方或你的父母有多少钱,我希望今天看到这篇博文的读者都会考虑有一天留学海外。

    So no matter where you come from or how much money your parents have , I hope that all of you reading this blog today will consider studying abroad one day .

  8. 我问你来自城市的何方。

    I asked which part of the city you were from .

  9. 让你知道暗器来自何方。

    Let you know where the knives are coming from .

  10. 并且你不能让他人因你来自何方而定义了你的局限。

    And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from .

  11. 现在,我竟然“上瘾”了,因为它真的可以轻易“改变”你的容貌。而且,无论你来自何方,“白一点”总不是什么坏事。

    Now I 'm addicted - because it 's so easy to change the way you look , and because , no matter where you are from , a bit of " brightening " is never a bad thing .