
  • 网络Your answer
  1. Camouflage来自一个表示伪装的法语单词。那就是你的答案,那就是你的“大喊”。

    Camouflage comes from a French word that means " to disguise . " That 's your answer and that 's your " Shoutout . "

  2. 星巴克这一名字的灵感来源于Starbuck,《白鲸》中的第一个男性。那就是你的答案,那就是你的“大喊”。

    The name Starbucks was inspired by Starbuck , the first mate in " Moby Dick . " That 's your answer and that 's your " Shoutout . "

  3. 用计算器核对一下你的答案。

    Cross-check your answers with a calculator .

  4. 第二步:把你的答案连接成一小段文章。

    Step Two : Put your answers into a short paragraph .

  5. 请把你的答案或评论写在我博客的任何地方,xiexie。

    Please write your answer anywhere in my blog , thx .

  6. 你的答案是什么,我的答案就是什么。”

    whatever you answer is , mine is the same . "

  7. 现在来听并且检查你的答案,然后说。

    Now , listen and check your answers , then say .

  8. 国家晚宴的时候想听到你的答案。

    Going to need your answer by the state dinner .

  9. 你的答案正确,得满分。

    You get full marks for getting the right answer .

  10. 说你的答案是建立自己的记录。

    Say your answer is to establish a track record of yourself .

  11. 你的答案完全正确,你算得很准。

    Your answer is perfect ; you 've cut it very fine .

  12. 他会认真倾听你的答案,然后问你更多问题。

    He will really listen to your answers and ask you more .

  13. 你的答案对女仕们来说是极好消息。

    Your answer is a very good news to ladies .

  14. 那就是你的答案,那就是你的“大喊”。

    That is your answer and that 's your Shoutout .

  15. 然后我们将你的答案和现实之间的差异用动画的方式表现出来。

    and we animate away the difference between your answer and reality .

  16. 并花10分钟写下你的答案。

    And take 10 minutes to write down your answer .

  17. 改写以下句子,然后对照课文第13行,核对你的答案。

    Rewrite this sentence , then check your answer against the text .

  18. 把你的答案说简单点,别离开正题。

    Keep your answers short and don 't wander off the point .

  19. 如果你的答案是正确的,你就可以进来;

    If you answer is right , you may enter .

  20. 那就是你的答案那就是你的大喊。

    That 's your answer and that 's your " Shoutout . "

  21. 我检查了你的答案,没有一个是对的。

    I have checked your answers and none of them are correct .

  22. 如果你的答案是错的,恭喜你。

    If you didn 't answer the question correctly , good for you .

  23. 做28~29页的习题,并检查你的答案与所给的答案做比较。

    Do the exercises on pp.28-9 and check your answers with the keys .

  24. 把你的答案同书后的答案核对一下。

    Check your answers with the key at the back of the book .

  25. 谁愿意向我们展示你的答案。

    Who would like to show us your answer .

  26. 考虑好你的答案,然后给出干脆的回答。

    Think about your answers and provide crisp responses .

  27. 那么对于这个问题你的答案是什么?

    So what 's your answer to this conundrum ?

  28. 根据记忆进行口头复述或写下你的答案。

    Orally recite or write the answers from memory .

  29. 听完这遍录音后,检查你的答案。

    Listen to the tape and correct your answers .

  30. 请仔细做作业,确保你的答案是正确的。

    Please do your homework carefully and make sure your answers are right .