
lì huì
  • regular meeting
例会 [lì huì]
  • [regular meeting] 依据约定的惯例每隔一定期限举行一次的会议

例会[lì huì]
  1. 门诊例会制度的建立及在门诊管理中的作用

    Establishing of outpatient regular meeting system and its functions in outpatient management

  2. (这是我们的例会,大家可以畅所欲言。)

    C : It is our regular meeting . Everyone can express freely .

  3. 这是临时委员会召开的年中例会。

    This is the half-yearly meeting of the interim committee .

  4. 新的政府统计数字预测,每两例婚姻中就有一例会离异。

    New Government figures predict that one in two marriages will end in divorce .

  5. 他们现在正在新发明胜利俱乐部开两周一次的例会。

    They are now holding their fortnightly meetings at The New Invention Victory Club .

  6. 公司每逢周一上午开例会。

    There is a company meeting every Monday morning .

  7. 测试用例会在运行时读取这个属性文件来检索SystemsDirector和端点信息。

    Test cases read this properties file at run time to retrieve the Systems Director and the endpoint information .

  8. 第一个示例会等待A或者B上的一条消息。第二个示例则等待A和B都有消息时才终止。

    The first waits for a message on either A or B.The second example waits until there is a message on both A and B.

  9. 如果可能,请求旁听一次每日Scrum例会。

    If possible , ask to sit in on a Daily Scrum .

  10. 测试用例会与需求或者RationalFunctionalTester脚本联系起来,需求与测试脚本的位置会嵌入到测试数据存储之中。

    Where test cases are linked to requirements or Rational Functional Tester scripts , requirement and test script locations are embedded in the test data store .

  11. 美联储(Fed)将于明日召开例会。市场预计,在上周降息75个基点的基础上,美联储再降息50个基点。

    The US Federal Reserve starts a regular meeting tomorrow and markets expect another half-point cut on top of the 0.75 percentage-point cut last week .

  12. 讨论模式时以GangofFour的《DesignPatterns》为例会涉及到人们感兴趣的两个不同元素。

    When we talk about patterns and let 's use the Gang of Four " Design Patterns " as an example there are two different elements that people are interested in .

  13. 如果IP为192.168.9.14的客户端试图用telnet或ssh连接,那么该示例会发送消息给它。

    The example sends a message to the client IP192.168.9.14 , if the client tries to connect using telnet or ssh .

  14. 因为它可以结合工作项管理以及敏捷规划和报告,所以它可以提供一种有效的框架来支持每日例会(DailyScrum)。

    Because it can leverage work item management , as well as agile planning and reporting , it provides a great framework facilitating daily scrums .

  15. 加入开发者每周IRC例会吧!

    Join the developer week IRC sessions !

  16. A.来自于我的上司在例会上向我所作的详细介绍,他的上司则向他作了完整的介绍,以此类推。

    A. is fleshed out for me at regular meetings with my boss , who is fully briefed by his boss , and so on and so on and Scooby dooby dooby .

  17. 这次例会是由B1区台中、飞轮、极限和云林科大等四个分会共同举办,感谢各分会会长、教育副会长、及其他干部的热心支持。

    This meeting is conducted by TTC , WTC , AUTC , YunTechTC in Area B1.Thanks Club Presidens , EVPs and some officers'support to this activity .

  18. 不幸的是,编写和描述一个合适的UDDI示例会占用专栏太多的篇幅,所以我们将使用我们自己的方法来发现资源库中的Web服务。

    Unfortunately , it would take a year 's worth of columns to write and describe a proper UDDI example , so we will use our own method of discovery for Web services in our repository .

  19. 日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)的内阁预计将在周五的例会上做出最后决定。

    A final decision is expected from the cabinet of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda at its regularly scheduled meeting Friday .

  20. 据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,美联储制定政策的公开市场委员会结束了在华盛顿举行的每月例会后发表了以上声明。

    NPR 's Craig Windham reports the Fed 's policy-making Open Market Committee made that announcement after completing its monthly meeting in Washington .

  21. 正如您可以看到的,运行这个新测试用例会产生一个令人讨厌的NullPointerException。

    As you can see , running this new test case yields a nasty NullPointerException .

  22. 通过每月的安全例会,与工厂管理层交流关键绩效和重大的EHS事件。安全理事会惯例汇辑

    Communicate KPI report and major EHS issues through monthly safety meetings with site management . Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council Supplement for 1975-1980

  23. 为客观评价声门癌的会厌喉成形(Kambic-Sedlacek-Tuckermethod,K-S-T)术的远期根治性及功能性效果,总结100例会厌喉成形术的十年改良经验。

    In order to objectively evaluate the long term result of epiglottic laryngoplasty ( ELP ), ten year experience of ELP after partial laryngectomy in 100 patients with glottic cancer was analysed .

  24. 最近几周,西尔伯曼及其团队召开了周一例会,通常是到附近的玛克辛酒馆(BistroMaxine)边喝咖啡边聊,讨论如何确保网站周四改版后的平稳运行。

    In recent weeks Silbermann and his team have held a Monday meeting usually in the form of a coffee run to Bistro Maxine to figure out how to keep the site running on Thursday .

  25. 有没有指定故障类型与影响分析的团队?有没有举行例会?

    Has an FMEA-Team been designated and regular meetings been held ?

  26. 您编写的每个测试用例会确定一个小问题。

    Each test case that you write establishes a small problem .

  27. 疼痛科总住院医师1920例会诊病例分析

    Retrospective analysis of 1920 cases consulted by pain medicine chief residents

  28. 然后测试案例会整合到自动化测试套件中。

    Test cases are then integrated into an automated test suite .

  29. 他每周三下午都会出席营销例会。

    He showed up for its weekly meeting every Wednesday afternoon .

  30. 地标委员会有个月例会

    I 've got my monthly meeting with the Landmark Committee .