
lì xínɡ chénɡ xù
  • routine
  1. 例行程序中选择分支的那个位置。

    A place in a routine where a branch is selected .

  2. 可以满足需要的例行程序。

    A routine that can be used as needed .

  3. 在运行“HTTP装入”例行程序时发生内存不足错误!

    Out of memory error in HTTP Load routine !

  4. 据NPR新闻的布莱恩·内勒报道,总统称检查是例行程序。

    NPR 's Brain Naylor says the president calls the review standard procedure .

  5. 例行程序,程序:一套设计来执行一项特定且有限的任务的程序指令adj。

    Computer Science A set of programming instructions designed to perform a specific , limited task .

  6. 量子Fourier变换(QFT)是许多量子算法的关键子例行程序,核磁共振系统(NMR)是目前最有希望实现量子计算的物理系统之一。

    The quantum Fourier transform ( QFT ) is a key subroutine of many quantum algorithms . NMR technology has been considered as one of the most effective physical system to realize quantum computation .

  7. 改变指令或例行程序中的某一部分。

    To alter a part of an instruction or routine .

  8. 测试实时时钟操作功能是否适当的一种例行程序。

    A routine that tests proper functioning of the real-time clock operation .

  9. 例行程序对于某些日常的信息交换来说,答案绝对是肯定的。

    For certain routine exchanges , the answer is a resounding yes .

  10. 然而,戈皮纳特先生将这些视为例行程序。

    Yet Mr Gopinath regards these processes as routine .

  11. 例行程序或过程的一条转移路径。

    One path in a branching routine or procedure .

  12. 这只是警方的例行程序

    This is just standard police procedure . Really ?

  13. 暂驻存储是用来临时存放暂态程序或例行程序的一种储区。

    Transient area is a storage area used for transient programs or routines .

  14. 在机场检查手提行李现在已成例行程序。

    Searching handluggage at airports is now standard procedure .

  15. 把控制转交给一个指定的闭式子例行程序。参阅subroutinecall。

    To transfer control to a specified closed subroutine .

  16. 一种地址,它通常指示处理机去执行一个服务例行程序。

    An address that usually tells a processor to use a service routine .

  17. 一份文件程序或例行程序的一部分内容。

    One part of a document , a program , or a routine .

  18. 不同程序设计语言例行程序的连接

    Link up the routines of various programming lanuages

  19. 每一个例行程序和检查点都有一个明确的成本,主要是生产效率。

    Every extra procedure and checkpoint has a definite cost , mainly in productivity .

  20. 模式的本质在于它促进了成功例行程序的重复。

    The nature of a pattern is that it promotes repetition of successful procedures .

  21. 让我大为惊讶的是,早晨7:30的比赛很快成为我日常例行程序的一部分。

    Much to my surprise , the7:30 a.m.game quickly became part of my routine .

  22. 控制输出设备的例行程序。

    A routine that controls an output device .

  23. 把数据读入主存的一种例行程序,通常是一种计算机程序。

    A routine , commonly a computer program , that reads data into main storage .

  24. 在某种意义上,自治的恢复例行程序提供了一个标准的持续的技术支持。

    In a sense , autonomic recovery routines provide a level of continuous technical support .

  25. 相反,他们处理可调用例行程序提供的抽象注册界面。

    Instead , they deal with the abstract login interface that the callable routine provides .

  26. 提供计算机程序执行的时间记录的例行程序。

    A routine that provides a chronological record of the execution of a computer program .

  27. 最终,你将创建越来越多的可调用的例行程序来支持测试。

    Eventually , you create more and more of these callable routines to support the tests .

  28. 该函数通常执行一些初始化例行程序,比如,设置类属性的默认值。

    This function usually performs some initialization routines such as setting default values of class properties .

  29. 企业建模的潜在规模是严格例行程序和管理的驱动力。

    This potential scale for enterprise modeling is the driving force for strict procedures and governance .

  30. 存放操作、变量及子例行程序索引的存储段。

    The section of storage used as an index for operations , subroutines , and variables .