
  • 网络water supply management
  1. 流域供水管理决策支持系统总体设计

    Decision support system for water supply management in drainage basin

  2. 通过实验表明,本文设计的智能远程供水管理系统能够满足功能要求。

    Through the experiment show that the design of intelligent remote water supply management system can satisfy the functional requirement .

  3. 根据地理信息系统、全球卫星定位系统与决策支持系统的特点,首次提出了基于GIS、GPS、DSS的城市供水管理信息工程的设计方案,并应用于实际。

    By making use of the technologies of the geographical information system , the global satellite locating system , and the decision-making support system , the urban water supplying management information system are designed , and has been put into practice . 6 .

  4. 加强二次供水管理确保饮用水安全卫生

    Strengthening Second water supply and Ensuring Secure Hygiene of Potable Water

  5. 二次供水管理模式改革探讨

    Discussion on the Reform of the Secondary Water Supply Management Mode

  6. 美国跨流域调水工程的供水管理问题

    Problems on Water-Supply Management for Interbasin Water Transfer Project in United States

  7. 加强供水管理提高供水效益

    Increasing the Benefit of the Water-supply through Strengthening the Management of the Water-supply

  8. 天津市城市分质供水管理模式研究

    Research on Management Mode of City Water Supply by Different Quality in Tianjin

  9. 供水管理信息系统潮州供水枢纽拦河闸计算机监控及运行调度

    Monitoring and Control System and Dispatching for Sluices of Chaozhou Water Supply Project

  10. 供水管理信息系统山东粮援项目中供水协会模式研究

    A Study on the Water-Supply Association Model in Food-Aid Item in Shandong Province

  11. 其次,系统地分析了城市供水管理的系统目标、决策流程以及功能结构;

    Secondly , the system 's object , decision-making flow and function structure were analyzed .

  12. 供水管理信息系统铁路供水网分布式远程测控系统的设计

    The design of a Long-distance distributed measurement & control system for the railway water supply network

  13. 城市供水管理信息系统的设计与应用&以长沙市为例

    The Design and Application of City Water Supply Information System & A Case Study of Changsha City

  14. 特别针对供水管理系统的安全性,客户服务子系统的设计实现过程,进行了详细的论述。

    Specially , the safety concern of the system and how the customer service subsystem is designed are discussed in detail .

  15. 介绍了隐孢子虫的采集和检测方法、剂量反应模式,以为供水管理部门提供制定隐孢子虫水质标准的依据;

    And its doses response model is presented to provide basis for water supply administrative department to establish quality standard for Cryptosporidium .

  16. 我在布基纳法索看到政府在巴西等国的帮助下,正努力进口抗旱种子,改善稀缺供水管理。

    In Burkina Faso , I saw a government working to import drought resistant seeds and better manage scarce water supplies , helped by nations like Brazil .

  17. 近几年来,灌溉用水和城市用水需求两者之间的竞争日趋激烈,因此,实行全国统一供水管理的必要性引起了人们很大的关注;

    Increasing competition between demands for irrigation and urban water , in particular , has brought the need for national integrated water management into sharper focus in recent years ;

  18. 针对各地基层供水管理部门上报的数据不规范问题,作者提出并实现了程序扫描与手工检查相结合的数据预处理方法。

    For nonstandard data are reported by first-line management department , a data preprocessing method is designed and implemented , which integrated manual processing with procedures to standardize data .

  19. 目前,我国有关城市供水管理与自动化信息工程,在学术研究领域还很不成熟。

    At present , the research on the cities ' water supplying management and automatic information engineering is far from mature , which is what we focus in the thesis .

  20. 本文以济南地下水资源系统保泉供水管理课题为例,分析研究地下水资源系统多目标管理问题。

    With the practical task of the spring-protection water-supply management for the groundwater resources system in Jinan as example , the multi-objective management of groundwater resources system is discussed in this paper .

  21. 同时,通过开发爆管的快速定位技术,提高供水管理部门的应急处理能力,可以有效减少爆管事故带来的危害。

    Meanwhile , harms from accidents of pipe bursts can be eliminated effectively and handling capacity of water supply department can be improved from the development of quick location techniques for pipe bursts .

  22. 如何有效地开发、合理地利用地下水资源以及时地保证工业生产用水和居民生活用水的需求成为供水管理日程中的一个重大课题。

    How to effectively develop and reasonably use the ground water resources in order to guarantee Industrial production and inhabitant domestic water demand becomes an important issue in the water supply management program .

  23. 结合无线通讯技术,为供水管理部门提供了一套具有较高自动化程度的设备管理系统,具有良好的社会意义和经济效益。

    Combining the technology in wireless communication , the ductwork pressure booster distributed facility provides a high automatic managing system for the departments in water supply and gains the great social significance and economic benefit .

  24. 以济南地下水资源系统保泉供水管理为例,建立地下水资源系统多目标管理模型,并提出一种求解多目标决策问题的交互式方法。

    A multiobjective management model of groundwater resources system is developed for the management of spring-protection and water supply in Jinan . Further more a new trade-off method is proposed to solve the multiobjective decision-making problem .

  25. 在传统的供水管理模式中,大多数情况下都是依靠手工管理方式进行过来,但是随着供水规模的逐步扩大,就出现了管理规则混乱,管理效率低下的瓶颈。

    In the traditional water supply management mode , most cases are depend on manual management to come over . But at the moment , this inefficient operation is no longer suitable for water supply industry .

  26. 同时供水管理的方向已经从单一型、分割型向综合型、整体型转变,采用新工艺、新设备和更为先进、可靠、高效的信息技术手段已成为必然趋势。

    At the same time , water management has changed from the monotonous type to global type . It is said that new technology and new equipment and more advanced and reliable and efficient information technology has become an inevitable trend .

  27. 为此建议采取保护水源、优化水资源布局分配、改进制水工艺、加强供水管理等措施来控制有害物质对饮用水的污染。

    Therefore , some measurements should be taken to control the water pollution and improve the drinking water quality such as protecting raw water from pollution , optimizing the water resource assignment , improving the water processing technique , strengthening the water supply management and so on .

  28. 建立了给定资金水平能力下管道更新的最佳资金分配模型和管道更新经济决策系统,为供水管理部门合理使用资金,科学的制定全年管道更新计划提供了技术支持和实用工具。

    The optimal capital distribution model on pipe renewal economic decision system was established under given capital level , so it can provide technical support and practical tools for rational use of capital by administrative authority , draw up scientifically the pipe renewal plan all the year around .

  29. 基于GIS的供水管网管理与服务系统

    Water supply pipeline management and service system based on GIS

  30. 介绍基于Windows操作平台,采用大型数据库设计的一种具有网络功能的供水调度管理系统。

    The present paper will show a kind of water supply manage system , which has nets functions with a kind of large database as the database and with Windows as the operate platform .