
  • 网络land ecology
  1. 基于GIS和模糊评价法的土地生态适宜性分析

    GIS-Based Fuzzy Assessment Modeling for Land Ecology Suitability Analysis

  2. 我国土地生态安全问题及其立法

    Problems and Legislation of Land Ecology Security in China

  3. 本文运用了三种空间分析方法对景区土地生态利用问题进行研究,DEM模型、Voronoi图和空间句法的引入,能够帮助我们更加直观的了解景区内土地利用的适宜性以及景点布局和道路的结构。

    Three methods of spatial analysis is used in this paper . DEM model , Voronoi diagram and Space syntax can help us to understand the suitability of the land use , the road layout and the scenic spots structure intuitively .

  4. 基于经济可持续发展考虑,构建土地生态足迹和生态承载力模型,分析土地的可持续发展能力。并借助C-D生产函数构建建设用地需求预测模型。

    And an Ecological Footprint ( EF ) model and Ecological Carrying Power ( ECP ) model are proposed to analyze SD ability with consideration of ESD , also a demand predicting model of construction land is built with Cobb-Douglas production function .

  5. 土地生态安全关系到粮食安全和经济安全等。

    Ecological security of land affects foodstuff security and economic security .

  6. 山西省潞安矿区土地生态系统功能区划研究

    Ecology Function Division of Luan Mine Land System in Shanxi Province

  7. 土地生态系统安全是关系到人类社会发展的重大问题。

    On major contents and problems of land ecosystem health research ;

  8. 广西横县土地生态经济分区研究

    Research on land eco-economic regionalization in Hengxian county , guangxi

  9. 我国土地生态安全问题管窥城市生态建设中的绿地

    On land ecological safety in China Green land of urban ecological construction

  10. 郑州市郊区土地生态环境质量评价

    Evaluation of Land Environmental Quality of the Suburbs of Zhengzhou

  11. 重庆市土地生态环境安全评价研究

    Study on the Evaluation of the Land Ecologic Security in Chongqing City

  12. 基于空间信息技术的土地生态风险评价研究

    The Research of Land Ecological Risk Assessment Based on Special Information Technology

  13. 城市土地生态适宜性评价理论与方法

    Urban land ecological suitability assessment : theories and methods

  14. 第二部分,土地生态规划的概念与内涵。

    Part two introduces the conception and the connotation of land ecological planning .

  15. 榆林市土地生态系统服务功能价值测评

    Evaluation of Land Ecosystem Service Values in Yulin District

  16. 汉中、安康和商洛市的土地生态安全处于预警状态;

    Hanzhong , Ankang and Shangluo are warning state of land ecological security ;

  17. 土地生态安全格局的空间显示模型;

    Spatial explicit model of land ecological security pattern ;

  18. 土地生态环境状态一直比较平稳,增幅不很明显。

    Land ecological environment condition has been compared , smooth is not very obvious .

  19. 土地生态规划与设计

    Study on ecological planning and design of land

  20. 重庆市土地生态区划研究

    Study on the Land Ecological Regionalization in Chongqing

  21. 景观格局变化及预测是区域土地生态利用与规划的基础理论。

    Landscape pattern change and prediction is very important for ecological land-use and plan .

  22. 铜川市和宝鸡市的土地生态安全处于中警状态;

    Tongchuan and Baoji are the medium warning state of the land ecological security ;

  23. 论土地生态伦理及生态文明

    On Land Ecological Ethics and Ecological Civilization

  24. 土地生态适宜性分析在城市规划环境影响评价中的应用

    Application of ecological suitability analysis of land in the environmental impact assessment during urban planning

  25. 运用熵权法和综合评价法建立了土地生态安全评价模型。

    Adopting entropy weight and synthesis evaluation method established the land ecological security evaluation model .

  26. 城市化进程的加快已然威胁到了农村土地生态系统的健康,农村宅基地是农村土地生态系统的重要组成部分,也是农民生产生活的重要场所。

    Nowadays , urbanization has already threatened the health of ecological system in rural land .

  27. 土地生态分类系统研究

    Study on Land - Ecological Classification System

  28. 大城市郊县土地生态适宜性评价的理论和方法探讨

    An exploration into theories and methods of assessing land eco-suitability in the suburbs of big cities

  29. 第一部分着重于生态城市与郊区土地生态利用的基础理论研究。

    First part stresses to research the basic theory of eco-city and land eco-use in suburb .

  30. 矿区土地生态恢复及可持续利用协同理论研究

    The study about the land restoration on mine areas and coordinated theory of its continued use