
  • 网络Land Characteristics
  1. 高产夏花生必须施肥,根据豫北、豫东沙土地供肥特性与夏花生需肥规律,应重施磷肥、增施微肥、补施氮肥。

    The high yield summer peanut should be fertilized with phosphate and nitrogen etc.

  2. 内容提要受土地要素特性的约束,房地产市场是一个有限竞争的市场。

    Real estate market is a finite competitive market due to the restriction of land .

  3. 从城市土地的特性及其可持续利用的目标出发,运用系统论的观点对城市土地利用系统进行了综合分析。

    According to characteristics and goal of sustainable urban land use , the paper analyses system of urban land use synthetically in view of systematic theory .

  4. 以城市土地利用特性为基本变量,采用回归分析和系统聚类分析方法建立了交通生成预测实用分析模型。

    Based on urban land use characteristics , this paper sets up a practical analysis model for trip generation forecast by regression analysis and cluster analysis method .

  5. 苏州新区应用实例表明:对不同用地类型所引起的不同目的的出行,分别建立出行产生和吸引预测模型,能够使交通需求与新区土地利用特性直接相关;

    The application of this new model in Suzhou New District indicates that traffic demand and land use feature in new urban area can be directly correlated when each type of land use has such a generating and attracting model which corresponds to its very own trip purpose .

  6. 同时针对土地的时空特性,利用GIS在空间、属性信息管理的优势,实现了对土地储备业务的支持,以及对未来土地需求进行预测。

    For both the spatial and temporal characteristics of the land , the advantage of using GIS the space attribute information management to land banking business support , as well as to predict the future demand for land .

  7. 阴山北部土地沙漠化特性的分析

    Characteristic Analysis on Soil Desertification In the North of Inner Mongolia

  8. 辽南海积软土地基承载特性的研究

    Research on Load-Bearing Property of Soft Soil Foundation in Liaonan Sea Area

  9. 对土地利用基本特性的新认识

    The new Recognition to the Essential Properties of Land Use

  10. 强夯加固回填土地基振动特性的三维数值模拟

    Three-dimensional numerical simulation on vibration characteristic of backfilled soil caused by dynamic compaction

  11. 膨胀土地基变形特性研究

    The Study of Deformation Characteristic on Expansive Soil Foundations

  12. 交通荷载作用下软土地基动力特性及加筋道路动力响应研究

    Study on Dynamic Performance of Soft Clay and Dynamic Response of Reinforced Pavements under Traffic Loading

  13. 在一定时段内,由于土地的稀缺特性以及技术进步的有限性,土地生物承载力有一定的限度。

    In a certain period , the ecological bio-capacity of land resource is limited because land resource is of scarcity and the technical progress is also finite .

  14. 农用地分等是基于土地的自然特性辅以科学的计算方法并得出农用地的自然质量等的一项技术。

    The agricultural land classification which based on land physical characters with scientific calculation methods is a technique that can work out the physical land quality grade .

  15. 在此基础上,分析了高原湿地软弱土地基工程特性,同时为工程建设提供了及时有效的反馈数据,为工程建设安全顺利的进行提供了保障。

    Based on it , engineering characteristics of soft clay foundation in the plateau wetland were analyzed and timely and effective feedback data was provided to ensure the engineering construction carrying trough safely and successfully .

  16. 概述了软土地基动力学特性的研究现状和适合岩土体材料的弹塑性本构理论以及动力分析方法中的总应力法和有效应力法的区别和适用性。

    Generalized the study state on dynamic characteristics of soft clay foundation , then , the theory of elastic-plastics constitute and the difference and applicability of total stress method and effective stress method are described .

  17. 从集体土地使用权特性进行分析,我国农村集体土地使用权不是一般意义上的用益物权。

    A conclusion is drawn in this paper , based on an analysis of the characteristics of collective land use , that the right of collective land use in China is not a common real right .

  18. 根据深厚砂土地基的特性,提出两类防渗处理方案(柔性方案、刚性方案),并对其进行技术分析与经济比较,择优选定设计方案。

    According to the characteristics of deep sand foundation , this paper proposed two kinds of seepage prevention schemes , i.e. flexible scheme and rigid scheme . Based on technical analysis and economic comparison , a selected design scheme was presented at last .

  19. 水泥土搅拌法(MIP)加固斜坡软弱土地基的工程特性试验研究

    Experiment Study on Mixed-In-Place Pile Improve Slope Soft-Soil Foundation 's Engineering Properties

  20. 季冻区湿地软土地基固结变形特性研究

    Consolidation settlement characteristics of soft foundation in seasonal frozen swamp regions

  21. 土地适合耕种的特性。

    The suitability of land for cultivation .

  22. 天山北坡绿洲不同土地利用对土壤特性的影响

    Effect of Different Land-use Systems on Soil Properties in the Alluvial Plain-oasis in the Arid Land

  23. 对外共享的土地与邻近的特性,它是园,并有维修合同到位。

    Externally the land is shared with the neighbouring properties , it is landscaped and has a maintenance contract in place .

  24. 研究发现流向和填料层高度是土地处理系统水力特性的主要影响因素。

    It was found that the flow direction and media height were the main factors of hydraulic characteristics of the land application system .

  25. 按照国家相关规程进行城镇基准地价评估,其技术路线违背了土地价格的构成特性,评估结果很大程度上取决于评估师的经验。

    To appraise benchmark town land price in compliance with relevant state regulations will go against the features of land price , its procedures in the appraisal results thus depend much on the experience of the appraisers .

  26. 第一阶段从静态试验和动态试验两个方面对试验方法的准确性及试验仪器的适用性进行探讨,为土地处理系统水力特性研究选择合适的试验方法及匹配的试验仪器。

    The first phase , accuracy of test methods and applicability of instruments were discussed from static tests and dynamic tests , to find the appropriate test method and matching test apparatus for the study of the hydraulic characteristics of the land application system .

  27. 土地利用是人类根据土地质量特性来开发利用土地,创造财富,满足人类生产和生活的需要,同时改善环境,满足人类生存需要的过程。

    Land use is a process , which is to develop land according to its mass property . By creating the wealth and improving the environment , it can meet the need of production , life and human survival .

  28. 本文首先从土地资源属性及土地资源配置的特性和类型入手,论述了土地资源配置和可持续发展的基本理论;

    This paper starts with land resources property , characteristic and type , illustrating the basic theory of land resources allocation and sustainable development ;

  29. 城乡统筹要求让市场在城乡土地配置中发挥基础作用,但由于不同的土地利用类型特性不同,需要建立不同的治理方式或治理结构来实现产权。

    The requirements of coordinating Urban-Rural are to let market play a basic role on urban and rural land allocation . But due to the fact that different types of land have different use characters , and need to build different governance .

  30. 搜集国内外有关软(弱)土地基、斜(陡)坡地基、斜坡软弱土地基路堤工程特性的试验研究资料,总结有关研究成果,了解目前研究动态及存在的问题;

    The main work is as follows : 1 . The research achievements at home and abroad about poor ground , slope ground and sloping poor ground have been collected and summarized to know the present development .