
  • 网络land banking
  1. 然后从我国建立土地收购储备制度的目的和意义来论述其成立的现实原因;

    Secondly , the thesis discusses the realistic founding reasons from the purpose and the importance of setting up the Chinese institution of the land banking .

  2. 土地收购储备制度是国家在土地市场上的一项制度创新。我国液化天然气(LNG)的陆地储存与运输

    Land storage system is a system renewal of our nation in the new century . LNG LAND STORAGE AND TRANSMISSION IN CHINA

  3. 六是健全土地收购储备制度;

    Sixth , we must perfect the land purchase and store system ;

  4. 中国土地收购储备制度的资金支持体系不完善;

    Third , China 's land reserve system is shortage of funds .

  5. 县域土地收购储备制度的公共管理分析

    The Analysis on the Land Purchasing and Reserving System on the County 's Level

  6. 对建立新时期土地收购储备制度的若干思考

    Reflections on of Establishing the Law of Land Purchase and Reserve in New Age

  7. 本文首先要指出城市土地收购储备制度是什么;

    This paper firstly puts up what is urban land reservation and management system ;

  8. 城市土地收购储备制度的运行对城市土地资源配置效率产生了积极的影响。

    This system has a positive effect on the allocation of urban land resources .

  9. 完善土地收购储备制度,控制和减小土地收购储备中的风险。

    Land purchase and reserve system has to be improved to control and reduce internal risks .

  10. 中国土地收购储备制度既取得了一定的收益,又存在一些问题。

    China 's land reserve system obtains some profit , and some problems exist in the system .

  11. 用诺思的制度变迁理论可以较好地解释中国土地收购储备制度的建立。

    North 's theories of Institutional Change can goodly explain the establishment of China 's land reserve system .

  12. 目前我国大部分城市都相继建立了城市土地收购储备制度。

    At present , most cities in our country have set up the reposition system of urban land .

  13. 在分析现状的基础上,总结了土地收购储备制度在实施过程中存在的法律缺陷。

    The results of the analysis are employed to summarize the legal loopholes in the implementation of the regulation .

  14. 为了更好的实行这项制度,本文致力于完善土地收购储备制度。

    For more successfully carrying the institution , this paper makes great efforts into perfecting execution of urban land reserve and purchase institution .

  15. 因此,在具体实践中,可以从五个方面来完善县域土地收购储备制度,一是要加快土地收购储备法规的建设;

    Therefore , in practice , it can be perfected from the following five aspects . Firstly , strengthening the law construction of the system ;

  16. 从我国一些城市的试点并取得了较好的成效说明了建立城市土地收购储备制度的可能性;

    In some cities we have made experiments and get better effects , which explained the possibility of establishing urban land buying and reserving system .

  17. 城市土地收购储备制度与房地产价格快速上涨关系研究这个城市的房价好像在无限制地飞涨。

    The Relationship between the Land Reserve System and the Increase of the Real Estate Price ; The house prices in the city seemed soaring up without limit .

  18. 城市土地收购储备制度作为土地使用制度改革过程中的一次制度创新,经过几年的实践,已经取得了阶段性的成就。

    Urban land reserve institution is called a institutional innovation in the cause of land use institution reform , after the practice of some years , it has made some achievements .

  19. 第一部分对我国城市土地收购储备制度建立的背景和现状加以分析。

    This thesis is divided into four parts : In part one , this thesis will analyse the background and the status quo of the foundation of the ULPRS in China .

  20. 其次,分析海外土地收购储备制度实施的背景、运作模式和实施效果,得出了海外土地收购储备制度实践对我们的启示;

    Secondly , on the basis of analyzing the background . operation modes and implementing effect of the overseas land reserve institution , this paper draws the enlightenment for us of overseas 1 practice .

  21. 城镇土地收购储备制度是随着我国土地使用制度改革的不断深入和城市土地市场的发育而产生的一种新型的城市土地管理制度。

    Urban land purchase and reserve system that comes into being with continuous deepening reform of land use system and development of urban land market is a new type of urban land management system .

  22. 土地收购储备制度建设构筑了城市存量土地的卖方市场;推进了土地利用方式的转变,调控了土地市场,刺激了经济的发展;

    System construction of land purchase and reserve constituted the seller market of city land existed , advanced the change of land use way , adjusted and controlled land market , stimulated economic development ;

  23. 通过对中国土地收购储备制度的绩效分析,本文提出了完善中国土地收购储备制度的一些建议:(一)建立健全土地收购储备的法律法规;

    After analyzing the effect of China 's land reserve system , this paper puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the system , which contain : first , amplifying laws and regulations of land reserve ;

  24. 所以本课题从理论到实践对土地收购储备制度进行系统的研究将对我国各大中小城市实行土地收购储备具有一定的理论指导和现实意义。

    So the study on system of land purchase and repertory from theory to practice , will have theoretical guidance and realistic meaning to our large and medium-sided towns where we will carry out land purchasing and reserving system .

  25. 具体来说,建立城市土地收购储备制度,是我国各地城市政府为适应经济体制改革和经济增长方式转变的要求,促进城市土地集约化利用而进行的积极探索;

    In detail , in order to meet the need of reform of economic system and the change of economic development model , each local government explore actively on promoting using land intensively , the ULPRS is the result of it .

  26. 土地收购储备制度的引进,虽然有助于提高政府经营土地的主动性,强化政府土地经营权,但由于资金的匮乏以及政府不当的行政干预,土地的市场化经营程度很低。

    Land purchase and banking system improves the governments ' initiative and emphasizes there rights in the management of land assets . But for the lack of capital and unmerited administrative control , land market 's function in the land management is limited .

  27. 土地收购储备制度,是建立在政府垄断城市土地一级市场供应、企业改制、土地集约利用基础上的一种新制度,有其一定的运行模式。

    The reserve system for purchasing land is a kind of new system which is established on the basis of the supply of land in cities by government 、 the system reform of enterprise and the intensive use of land , therefore , it has a certain moving model .

  28. 第五章为城市土地收购与储备制度,对国内外的土地储备制度进行了比较与总结,并从法律依据、垄断开发、部门协调等角度探讨了其中存在的问题及解决方案。

    The chapter 5 is " the land purchase for reserve system "( LPRS ) . It discusses the problems through comparison and summary in LPRS , and makes some suggestion from the point of view of law , monopolistic exploitation and department harmony .

  29. 在后者方面,提出的主要手段包括:征用集体土地,建立土地收购储备制度以及区政府、镇政府、村集体、农民个人出资的资本运作模式。

    As to the second shift the author suggests that the government should establish a land reserve system by land acquisition and with the capital involvement from farmers , rural collective organizations and government .

  30. 基于城市土地经营的城市土地收购储备制度运作模式

    The Operation Mode of Urban Land Purchase and Reserve in View of Urban Land Management