
  • 网络Malfunction
  1. 正如《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)所指,Libor似乎天然功能失灵。

    As the New York Times notes , LIBOR seems inherently dysfunctional .

  2. 进一步分析WTO的效率与公平问题,指出WTO功能失灵问题,并提出相应的解决对策。

    Then , it studies the efficiency and equity of WTO , and analyzes its function failure .

  3. OSPD中不可能添加锁定模式。因为有一些“未知”的系统事件可能会发生,如果阻止了他们,你的系统可能会挂起,或者出现某些功能失灵的情况。

    It is impossible to make " Lock mode " for OSPD , because some " unknown " system events may appear and if you block them , your system can hang or some functions will not work .

  4. 广东省罗定电厂220kV断路器,其操作箱和本身的操作机构回路中均设有防跳跃回路,这是规程不允许的,因而造成断路器防跳跃功能失灵。

    The circuits in the operating box and operating mechanism for 220 kV circuit breakers in Luoding Power Plant , Guangdong province have been equipped with an anti-jump circuit , which is not allowed by the codes and caused the failure of the breaker anti-jump function .

  5. 长期的缺血性内皮细胞功能障碍和微血管损伤造成肾脏功能失灵。

    Prolonged kidney malfunction is contributed primarily by post-ischemic endothelial cell dysfunction and microvascular impairment .

  6. 几乎所有的企业都会存在功能失灵问题,而受功能失灵伤害最大的就是中层经理。

    Almost all companies are necessarily dysfunctional , and the place that dysfunction hurts most is half way up .

  7. 垄断妨碍竞争,窒息经济活力,使市场机制配置资源的功能失灵。

    Monopoly precludes competition , suffocates the vigor of economy , and it makes the allocation function of market system mechanism becomes failure .

  8. 部分病人还会因为抗凝药物使用不当而出现出血、栓塞、机械瓣功能失灵,甚至心力衰竭等并发症。

    Because of improper taking anticoagulant drugs , some patients will suffer hemorrhage , embolism , function failure of mechanical valve , or even heart failure and other complications .

  9. 但由于继电器选型不当或继电器动作特性改变等原因,会引起平衡保护直流电源闭锁功能失灵,造成平衡保护误动。

    However , the reasons of incorrect choice of relay type or action characters changing of relay can often bring about ineffectiveness of balance protection DC source closing function , which often cause unwanted operation .

  10. 安全评估的目标为确定频率系统怎样与用何种频率可能导致功能失灵,以及故障在其更大的范围对总体运行所具有什么潜在影响。

    The objective of a safety assessment will be to determine how and with what frequency systems could fail to function , and what the effect of the failure potentially has on the overall operation in its wider sense .

  11. 发展中国家教育的信号功能及其失灵

    The Signal Function and Dysfunction of Education in Developing Countries

  12. 他们认为肥胖是由人体内部器官功能“失灵”引起。

    They thought it was caused by a malfunction of the internal organs .

  13. 在以上功能都失灵后乘员也可手动推开车门。

    When the above two functions are failed , passengers can also open the door manually .

  14. 本文分析了教育的信号功能及其失灵问题,认为只要劳动力市场上存在信息不对称,就需要教育发挥信号功能。

    Disequilibrium of information in the labour market requires education to function as a screening signal .

  15. 市场的功能与失灵在我国特殊的条件下有其特殊的表现形式。

    While analyzing function and disfunction of the market under specific circumstances of China we find they are manifested in three respects .

  16. 作为传统深厚的后发国家,我们更应该关注意识形态功能的失灵以及传统意识形态中的负面因素,构建与市场经济相协调的意识形态。

    As a traditional and developing country , we should concern the ideology function failure and the negative factors of traditional ideologies , and to setup the ideologies matched with .

  17. 19世纪末20世纪初,市场规制功能的失灵,向人们揭示了市场不是万能的,不能单纯靠市场自动调节加以解决。

    From the final age of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century , the economic regulation ' malfunction announced that market isn 't Omnipotence . All problems cann 't be solved only by market .

  18. 但这些功能会经常失灵。

    But often , these features fail .

  19. 最终,电脑的某些功能可能会失灵,或是需要替代方案才能运行。

    And , in the end , some features of the computer may wind up disabled or require workarounds to function .

  20. 但从整个体系的视角来看,当资金名义回报率接近于零、实际回报率为高额负值时,信贷市场的正常功能可能会失灵。

    But from a system-wide perspective , when the return on money becomes close to zero in nominal terms and substantially negative in real terms , then normal functionality may break down .

  21. 产业集群政策的功能在于克服市场失灵和政府(政策)失灵和系统失灵,优化集群动力机制,改善集群发展环境。

    The cluster based policy can overcome market failure , government or policy failure and systemic failures , optimize dynamic system of cluster , and promote development setting .

  22. 属于神经功能混乱,调节失灵,此病少见为疑难杂症,需看神经科或老中医。

    Belong to nerve function disorder , adjust malfunction , this disease is difficulty miscellaneous disease singularly , need to see nerve division or old traditional Chinese medical science .

  23. 本来只要朝着摄像头挥手,你就应该能够启动手势功能,然而这一功能常常失灵。

    You 're supposed to enable them by just waving your hand toward the camera , but this often failed .