
  • 【法】infringement disputes
  1. 要解决MTV侵权纠纷,前提是要确定MTV的法律性质。

    To solve the MTV disputes , the premise is to determine the legal nature of the MTV .

  2. 通过比较TRIPs协定、UPOV条约、欧美、日本等法律,结合实践需要,提出了修订我国《植物新品种保护条例》的思路,为实践中解决品种权侵权纠纷提供理论依据。

    This article has given a clue which is about modifying our The Protection Regulation of Plant Variety Right in order to resolve the disputes on the plant variety right by comparing the agreements of TRIPs , UPOV and the laws of Europe , USA , Japan and so on .

  3. 其次,介绍了环境侵权纠纷解决机制。

    Secondly , describe the dispute resolution mechanism of environmental tort .

  4. 体育人身伤害侵权纠纷的法律适用探讨

    Discussion on Legal Dispute Causing Human Body Injury Happening in Sports

  5. 《中国悬棺葬》版权侵权纠纷案引发的法理思考

    Reflection on Intellectual Property Rights Piracy of Chinese Dangling Coffin Funeral

  6. 网络侵权纠纷成为新类型的新闻侵权案件。

    Network tort become the new type of news tort cases .

  7. 论域名侵权纠纷的预防措施与解决途径

    Countermeasures Against Disputes Due to Infringement of Domain Names and Their Settlement

  8. 网络侵权纠纷案件的地域管辖问题在理论界和实务界争议颇多。

    The territorial jurisdiction of cyberspace tort disputes have caused many debates .

  9. 论著作权侵权纠纷中停止侵害的适用

    On Fitting Terms of Stopping Tort in Copyright Tort Dispute

  10. 农村土地承包纠纷主要有合同纠纷与侵权纠纷。

    Rural land contract disputes , contract disputes and tort main dispute .

  11. 专利权无效和侵权纠纷解决机制

    The System for Settling Disputes on Patent Invalidation and Infringement

  12. 网络著作权侵权纠纷案件几乎涵盖了所有的作品类型。

    The case of Network copyright infringement disputes covers almost all work types .

  13. 专利纠纷的思考专利侵权纠纷中依法合理抗辩的适用

    On the Appliance of Reasonable Counterplea in the Dispute of Infringement of Patent

  14. 本案例是一起涉外定牌加工商标侵权纠纷案。

    This case is trademark infringement disputes about OEM .

  15. 环境侵权纠纷解决机制研究

    Research on The Dispute Resolution Mechanism of Environmental Tort

  16. 论医疗侵权纠纷案件的举证责任

    On the Burden of Proof in Medical Tangle Cases

  17. 网络侵权纠纷特别管辖权的确定

    Determination of Special Jurisdiction over Network Infringement Disputes

  18. 国际消费侵权纠纷的法律适用

    Application of law of the international consume delict

  19. 第五部分是对我国专利侵权纠纷解决的完善建议。

    The fifth part of our proposal is to improve the patent infringement dispute resolution .

  20. 专利侵权纠纷中的专利权无效宣告请求及其相关问题研究

    Study on Invalidity During Patent Infringement Dispute

  21. 探讨制作电子图书的授权、网络出版的侵权纠纷及电子图书的著作权保护等问题。

    Some problems of the copyright of the electronic book are discussed in this paper .

  22. 网络侵权纠纷的司法管辖问题研究

    Research of Jurisdiction Problem of Internet Infringement

  23. 第四部分是好意施惠侵权纠纷的处理机制。

    The fourth part researches that how to deal with the dispute of the favor act .

  24. 网络数字技术的发展使版权人和网络服务提供者之间的侵权纠纷不断发生。

    There are always tort disputes on copyright between Internet service provider and Internet content provider .

  25. 当事人没有就该专利侵权纠纷向法院起诉。

    No party concerned has filed a lawsuit with the court for the patent infringement dispute .

  26. 校园人身伤害事故是民事审判中常见的一类侵权纠纷,社会影响较大。

    Campus personal injuries are common tort disputes in civil trials and usually have great social influences .

  27. 在处理医疗侵权纠纷案件中,举证责任倒置原则得到了广泛的应用。

    Objective To deal with medical actions in tort , rebuttal burden of proof has been applied widely .

  28. 然而正是由于担当如此不可或缺的角色,网络服务提供者经常被卷入互联网上频繁发生的版权侵权纠纷当中。

    Just because such an important role , ISP has been involved in disputes of copyright infringement frequently .

  29. 最后我们还从谈判理论的角度解释了法律调解中的环境侵权纠纷解决机制。

    Finally we explain the dispute solving mechanism in law intermediation from the angle of the negotiation theories .

  30. 新闻侵权纠纷的日益增多应是现实对这种要求的特殊呼吁形式。

    The increasing of infringement made by media is a special form of appealing for such realistic requirement .