
  • 网络Russian History;History of Russia
  1. 国内学界近30年俄国史研究之思考

    Thinking about the Studies on Russian History of the Recent 30 Years in China

  2. 但对这一问题的研究并未引起学术界的重视,相关的成果十分有限,并且局限于对俄国史和苏联史上反犹主义的研究。

    But academic circles have not thought highly of the research of this problem , the related results are limited at the researches to the Russian history and the anti-Semite on Soviets history doctrine .

  3. 民族和谐:加斯普林斯基对俄国思想史的宝贵贡献

    Ethnic Harmony : Gasprinskii 's Contributions to Russian History of Thoughts

  4. 19世纪俄国社会史研究及其意义

    A Study of the 19th Century Russian Social History and its Significance

  5. 布尔加科夫的人道主义思想在俄国文学史上具有重要意义。

    His thought of humanism played a significant role in the history of Russian Literature .

  6. 俄国社会史研究的传统及其在当代的发展

    The states of social history in Russia

  7. 有一个鲜明特点:基于对俄国民族史的粗暴解读,产生的冷酷无情、惟利是图的马基雅维利主义。

    Marked by a ruthless cynical Machiavellianism based on his brutal interpretation of Russian national history .

  8. 达吉雅娜这一形象在俄国文学史上占有极重要的位置,对她的评价历来以赞扬为主。

    The image of Татъяна occupies an extremely important position in Russian literary history , for whom there are many praises .

  9. 这三大流派,居于首位的就是象征主义,其成就之高,规模之大,堪称俄国诗歌史上继普希金之后的又一次繁荣。

    Symbolism is the earliest of these school , its achievement was very big , so itwas the second prosperity and revival of Russian poetry critic after Pushkin .

  10. 陀思妥耶夫斯基是俄国文学史上的巨匠之一,他的作品着重于研究人,而笑做为人类情绪的一种,在其作品中有着特别的魅力。

    Dostoevsky was one of the great masters in the history of Russian literature , his works focused on researching human , and laugh as one kind of human emotion had special manifestations in his works .

  11. 19世纪俄国的社会史研究传统,对苏联和当代俄罗斯史学的发展都产生了重要影响。

    The research on Russian social history in the 19th century has a great influence on the development of Soviet Union and modern Russian history .

  12. 他以其曲折艰辛的历史际遇以及深邃致远的历史思考,在20世纪俄国知识分子思想史上占有极其重要的地位。

    With his complicated historical experiences and profound historical reflection , he enjoyed a very important position in the ideological history of the20th century Russian intellectuals .

  13. 这是俄国自由主义发展史上的一件大事。

    It was a great invent in the development of Russian liberalism .

  14. 俄国自由主义思想史论纲

    Outline of the History of Russian Liberalism

  15. 俄国民粹派是近代俄国史上一个代表农民小生产者利益的政治团体。

    Russian populists are a political group which representative on the interests of the small producer and farmers in the modem history of Russian .

  16. 词汇研究俄国语言学的靓点俄国语言学史学习笔记

    Vocabulary Research-Highlights of the Russian Linguistic Studies & Notes of the Russian Linguistic History

  17. 然而,俄国文化学本质上是要建立一种新的文化理念,于是重新认识世界与俄国文化史成为其中的重要内容,白银时代和苏联时代的文化才能得到新的诠释。

    Russian culturology essentially builds the new cultural idea . It means that cultural history of the world and Russia and the culture in silver and age Soviet and are reinterpreted .

  18. 俄国新自由主义与传统的地方自治自由主义有着千丝万缕的联系,这在俄国的社会思想史上是一个极为特殊的现象。

    Russian new liberalism had countless ties with traditional regional atom liberalism , this was a specially phenomenon in Russian social thought history .