
  • 网络Fedor;Fyodor
  1. 俄罗斯设计团队FPI表示,费多尔的关键任务将是“协助建设和使用月球以及其他潜在行星上的基地”。

    A key task for Fedor will be to ' assist in construction and use of bases ' on the moon and potentially other planets , said its Russian designers FPI .

  2. 费多尔高6英尺(约1.8米),体重在106-160公斤之间,具体取决于额外配备的设备,可以举起20公斤重的货物。

    Fedor stands 6ft tall , weighs between 106-160 kg depending on extra equipment , and can lift up to 20 kg of cargo .

  3. 罗戈津声称,叙利亚战争已向俄罗斯表明机器人在恶劣环境中的重要性,并承诺费多尔将在5年内亮相太空。

    He claimed the war in Syria had shown Russia the importance of robots in difficult environments , and promised Fedor would make its space debut in five years .

  4. 机器人费多尔可以“攀爬、跌倒后自行站立、进出车辆驾驶位,同时还能够利用一些工具并在一些普通建筑中完成一些操作任务”。

    The robot can ' crawl , stand up after falling down , take and leave driver 's seat in a car , use tools and operate in a regular building ' .

  5. 俄罗斯副总理罗戈津称:“这个机器人叫做费多尔,他不穿宇航服也可以工作,且不仅能在太空舱中生存,甚至在舱外也行。”

    Putin 's deputy premier Dmitry Rogozin said : ' This thing can work without a space suit , live not only in a crew vehicle , but even outside it . Its name is Fedor . '