
  1. “我们就是巴西社会众生万象的晴雨表”,该院HIV专家费南多•费瑞博士表示。

    " We are like a barometer of what is happening in the Brazilian society ," says Dr Fernando Ferry , an HIV specialist at the hospital .

  2. 费南多先生甩了我一眼,眼神犀利好像要刺穿我身体。

    Don Fernando gave me a look that seemed to bore a hole in me .

  3. 作为一名老师,费南多工作严谨、热诚,他的准确的教学方法性使他赢得许多美誉。

    His intense work as a teacher is remarkable in particularly because of his cordiality and didactics'accuracy .

  4. 同时,艾克森、阿兰和费南多等5名归化球员也已被召入国家队。

    Meantime , five naturalized players including Ai Kesen , Alan and Fei Nanduo have been called up to the national team .

  5. 自1971年美国圣费南多地震爆发以后,结构延性抗震设计的概念在世界范围内广泛受到重视。

    The concept of anti-seismic design based on structure 's ductility has been worldwide accepted and paid much attention to since the San Femado seism in the United States in1971 .