
  • 网络Philadelphia International Airport;Philadelphia International;phl
  1. 美联社-飞机在执法车辆护送下前往费城国际机场航站楼

    AP – A plane is escorted by a law enforcement vehicle to a terminal at Philadelphia International Airport

  2. 就因为一位30多岁、穿人字拖的金发女性给空乘传了一张纸条,这架美国航空3950航班不得不回到费城国际机场的登机口处,接受一位“貌似来自联邦调查局的黑衣人(据门齐奥说)”的检查。

    A blond-haired woman wearing flip-flops and appearing to be in her 30s had passed a note to a flight attendant . American Airlines flight 3950 returned to the gate at Philadelphia International Airport and was met by what he described as an " FBI-looking man in black . "