
  • 网络feiler;Feller;MEL FERRER;W. Feller
  1. 费勒表示,具有讽刺意味的是,其中最好的理念会让职场中大多数人感到惊讶。

    Ironically , some of the best ideas , Feiler suggests , are the ones that inspire the most eye-rolling at work .

  2. 这种酒瓶还没有香水瓶子大,我能喝上四瓶,邦费勒老爹,再拿点酒来!

    I could drink four more such bottles ; they are no bigger than cologne flasks .

  3. 在影视圈中长大的费勒选择了电影制作而不是演戏。

    Having grown up in the movie world , Ferrer entered the field not as an actor but in production .

  4. 费勒说,这是一个有趣的现象,有越来越多的人用流媒体来拉近彼此的距离,让不能亲身到场的亲朋好友也能参与其中。

    ' It 's been an interesting phenomenon , ' Ferrer says . ' More people are looking at this technology to bridge the gap and allow family to attend an event when they physically can 't be there . '