
  • 网络Dehn;dern;DATEX
  1. 德恩在花园的中央挖了一个深洞。

    Den had dug a deep hole in the centre of the garden

  2. 《世界报》(DieWelt)哀叹道,文德恩原本可以成为大众历史上最成功的一位首席执行官。

    Die Welt laments that Winterkorn could have been VW 's most successful chief executive in the carmaker 's history .

  3. 迫于不断增加的排放丑闻压力,文德恩(MartinWinterkorn)辞去了大众汽车(Volkswagen)首席执行官一职。自周一以来,这场丑闻令大众股价蒸发了30%以上,还震撼了欧洲汽车业。

    Martin Winterkorn stepped down as chief executive of Volkswagen , bowing to mounting pressure over an emissions scandal that has wiped more than 30 per cent off the company 's share price since Monday and sent tremors through the European car industry .

  4. 文德恩在上周四的会议上表示,大众正准备用三款全新SUV“再次对美国市场发起猛攻”,其中就有基于MQB平台的全新途观,该车将于2017年在墨西哥投产。

    Winterkorn vowed on Thursday that his company is " going on the offensive again in the USA , " with three new SUVs , including a new MQB-based Tiguan , to be built in Mexico starting in 2017 .

  5. 德国商报(Handelsblatt)关注的是文德恩退休金的金额。该报声称,文德恩在任内为自己积累了价值2900万欧元的退休金。

    Handelsblatt concentrates on the value of Mr Winterkorn 's pension , claiming that during his tenure , he built up a pension worth 29m euros ( see second picture ) .

  6. 在上周四于柏林举行的大众年度财务总结会上,首席执行官马丁o文德恩表示,该公司旗下众多汽车品牌,包括大众、斯柯达和奥迪,今年将利用MQB平台生产270万台汽车。

    At the automaker 's annual financial review in Berlin on Thursday , chief executive officer Martin Winterkorn said that the company 's numerous automotive brands - including VW , Skoda , and Audi - will build 2.7 million cars with MQB architecture this year .

  7. 据报道,联合主演克拉维茨、德恩和伍德利也会加薪。

    Co-stars Kravitz , Dern , and Woodley will reportedly get raises as well .

  8. 但文德恩周二表示,他无意辞职。

    However , Mr Winterkorn signalled on Tuesday that he had no intention of resigning .

  9. 德恩先生曾经投资阿森纳足球俱乐部并获得可观的利润.后来他赞助一位颇有潜力的年轻制片人卡梅伦•麦金托什的一些早期剧目,然而不幸的是,这是一笔亏本买卖。

    Mr Dein , who has made a fortune investing in Arsenal football club , backed some early shows from a promising young producer called Cameron Mackintosh , and they unfortunately lost money .

  10. 德恩补充道:“医生建议我们把孩子流掉,因为孩子的存活率接近为零。除了我们没有其他人相信她能活下来。”

    Dean added : " We were advised to have a termination and that the chances of survival were next to none - no-one believed she was going to make it except us . "