
  1. 他不像太乐,还没有申请德国国籍的选择权,因为他不能表明自己能独立谋生。

    Unlike Thai Le , he does not yet have the option of applying for German nationality , because he cannot show that he can support himself .

  2. 然而,三星曾发誓要“采取一切可行措施,包括法律手段”去维护其欧洲市场,法院在裁决时表示这“严重限制了德国消费者的选择”。

    Samsung however vowed to take " all available measures , including legal options " to defend its presence in the European market , saying the court ruling " severely limits consumer choice in Germany " .

  3. 主要债权国德国必须做出的选择是:要么大步迈向让很多德国人感到恐惧的一体化,要么走向充满可怕危机的未来,要么现在就进行可怕的解体。

    It is a choice the dominant creditor nation , Germany , must make among big steps to integration that horrify many of its people , a future of horrible crises or a horrible break up right now .

  4. 很长时间以来,沃尔沃一直是德国品牌最佳的替代选择,也是细心、理性的消费者们的最爱。

    For a long time , Volvo was a classy alternative to the German brands , a favorite of thoughtful , intellectual consumers .

  5. 学术德国似乎是理想的选择来实现基督教古老的理想,学术德国似乎就是人道主义的欧洲来因对世俗挑战。

    The scholarly German appeared to be the ideal choice to shore up an ancient ideal of a Christian , humanist Europe against the challenges posed by secularism .

  6. 作为一名学院派经济学家,继他的上任恩斯特韦尔特克由于经费丑闻被迫下台后,韦伯并非德国联邦银行的明确选择。

    As an academic economist , Mr Weber was not an obvious choice for the Bundesbank when his predecessor , Ernst Welteke , was forced to quit over an expenses scandal .

  7. 统一后德国的欧洲认同与德国欧洲政策的选择

    After Unification Germany 's European Identity and Choices of Germany 's European Policy