
  • 网络MEPS;MeP;Member of European Parliament
  1. 上周,英国保守党欧洲议会议员在布鲁塞尔欧洲议会(europeanparliament)主持了全球变暖怀疑者大会。

    Last week , conservative MEPs hosted a conference of global warming sceptics at the European Parliament in Brussels .

  2. 然而欧洲议会议员认为这一计划太有限了。

    MEPs , though , think that plan too limited .

  3. 她将竞选欧洲议会议员。

    She is to stand as a Member of the European Parliament

  4. 一些欧洲议会议员(MEP)为该构想辩护,主张这样一只军队应受欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)控制。

    Some MEPs defended the idea , arguing that such an army should be controlled by the European Parliament .

  5. 去年10月,欧洲议会议员通过一项动议,要求欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)限制美国访问Swift系统。

    In October , members of the European parliament passed a motion demanding that the European Commission restrict US access to the Swift system .

  6. 绿党欧洲议会议员JeanLambert表示,这是一项重大进展。

    It 's a major step forward says Jean Lambert , who is a Green Party member of Europe 's Parliament .

  7. 她跟随欧洲议会议员RobertSturdy参加了欧盟的一次环境委员会会议,做了两个小时的口译。

    She shadowed East of England MEP Robert Sturdy and interpreted two hours of an environment committee meeting at the EU headquarters in Brussels , Belgium .

  8. 民意调查显示,该党仇外主义领袖兼欧洲议会议员马泰奥•萨尔维尼(MatteoSalvini)是继伦齐之后人气最高的政客。

    Opinion polls show Matteo Salvini , the party 's xenophobic leader and an MEP , is the most popular politician after Mr Renzi .

  9. 分析人士称,考虑到许多欧洲议会议员(mep)不可捉摸的个性,这些党派当前面临的挑战是如何在欧洲议会内部构建一个统一的组织。

    The challenge for these parties now , analysts said , was to form a coherent grouping in the European Parliament , given the unpredictable nature of many of their MEPs .

  10. 一个欧洲议会议员和并发在WCF充分的讨论不是本文的目的,因为事实上,这将是一个完整的书工作。

    A full discussion of MEPs and Concurrency in WCF is not the intent of this article ; as a matter of fact , that would be the job of a full book .

  11. 来自荷兰的欧洲议会议员(MEP)马利耶特捷•沙克(MarietjeSchaake)一直为加强对监控技术出口的控制展开活动。他表示:“欧盟必须确保言行一致。”

    Marietje Schaake , a Dutch MEP who has campaigned for better export controls on surveillance technology , says : " We in the EU must ensure we practise what we preach . "

  12. 最后,我们终于踏上了慕尼黑的飞机,前往活动的最后一站。在那我们遇见BarbaraRütting。她是一位演员,倡导环保的欧洲议会议员,同时也是18部素食书籍的作者。

    Finally we hopped on a plane for our last event in Munich and our meeting with the marvellous Barbara R ü tting – a Green MP , actress and author of18 vegetarian books .

  13. 欧洲议会议员;前法国司法部长

    Member of the European parliament ; former minister of justice , France

  14. 亚采克萨尤兹-沃尔斯基是欧洲议会议员兼前欧洲议会副主席。

    Jacek saryusz-wolski in an MEP and former vice-president of the European Parliament .

  15. 佛雷多法瓦,一位意大利欧洲议会议员,起草了一份报告,去年物色更多

    Fava , an Italian member of the European Parliament , drafted a report last year identifying more

  16. 欧洲议会议员应经由普遍、直接、无记名之自由选举方式产生。

    Members of the European Parliament shall be elected by direct universal suffrage in a free and secret ballot .

  17. 甚至其滥用无度的经费报销体系也正得到清理,尽管代价是向大多数欧洲议会议员支付更高的工资。

    Even its much-abused expenses system is being cleaned up , though at the cost of higher salaries for most MEPs .

  18. 欧洲议会议员、法国的弗朗西斯。伍茨说,法国选民弃权表现出他们对欧盟缺乏信心。

    EU lawmaker Francis Wurtz of France says the rate of voter abstention showed lack of confidence in the European Union .

  19. 然而,很明显,对于大多数欧洲议会议员来说,欧盟成员国提出的当前提案是无法接受的。

    Yet it is clear that the current proposal from the Member States is unacceptable to the vast majority of MEPs .

  20. 此前,一批欧洲议会议员周一也作出了类似的认可表态,这意味着欧盟对该行业的监管规定距离实施已近了一大步。

    The move follows a similar endorsement by a group of EU lawmakers on Monday and means regulation of the industry in the region has moved much closer .

  21. 两个人之间的欧洲议会议员和东正教神职人员党谁越过他进了北一废弃东正教教堂和墓地那里参观。

    The two were among a party of MEPs and Christian Orthodox clergymen who had crossed into the north on a tour of derelict Orthodox Christian churches and cemeteries there .

  22. 范龙佩还需就这项预算提案做出解释,向欧洲议会议员说明,为什么成员国政府会要求欧盟以更少的物质条件做更多的事。

    Mr Van Rompuy still has to make the case for this proposed budget and explain to MEPs why member-state governments are requiring the EU to do more with less .

  23. 近年来,许多勤勉的欧洲议会议员已经在最终制定欧盟的指令规章方面掌握了决定性的影响,其范围从化学制品与设施,一直到动物权利及工作时间。

    In recent years a few hardworking MEPs have wielded a decisive influence on the final shape of EU directives that ranged from chemicals and services to animal rights and working hours .

  24. 媒体老板、欧洲议会议员、大型博物馆和展览馆的负责人、国家艺术公司总裁以及军队高级军官之中,女性人数保持不变。

    The number of female media bosses , MEPs , directors of big museums and galleries , chairs of national arts companies and holders of senior ranks in the forces had remained the same .

  25. 来自德国的欧洲议会绿党议员扬•菲利普•亚伯雷希(JanPhilippAlbrecht)同意这点,他表示:“谷歌从这些错误中吸取了教训。”他曾经大张旗鼓地发起维护数字隐私的活动,而且一直公开批评谷歌。

    Jan Philipp Albrecht , a Green MEP from Germany who has campaigned vociferously on digital privacy and been a public critic of the company , agreed . " Google learned from these mistakes , " he said .

  26. 一九七九年共同体决定将「欧洲议会」议员任命案,改为公民直选。

    In1979 the community decided to change from appointing the members of the European Parliament to having them directly elected by all citizens of the member states .

  27. 欧洲议会的一些议员抱怨称,每天会有5、6家不同的美国律师事务所或公司对他们展开游说。

    Several members of Parliament in Brussels have complained that they are lobbied by five or six different US law firms or companies every day .

  28. Facebook聘请了多位重量级的前任议员和监管者,包括曾在欧洲议会代表德国的议员埃丽卡·曼(ErikaMann)。

    The company has hired a number of prominent former lawmakers and regulators , including Erika Mann , a former German member of the European Parliament .

  29. 欧盟政界领导人反对救援希腊的计划,甚至是欧盟的融合。他们已经明确表明了态度。他们在布鲁塞尔的欧洲议会外为欧元的标志举行了一次模拟的葬礼,这个队伍中最重要的人物是来自英国的欧洲议会议员纳杰儿.法拉奇。

    EU politicians opposed to the Greek bailout - and to European integration in general - have been making their view clear , holding a mock funeral for the euro currency symbol outside the European Council in Brussels .