
  • 网络Health Care Hospital;health centre;care home
  1. 实现同医院、妇幼保健院、CDC等部门间的业务协同,实现同医疗保险部门的实时结算。

    It is use to realize the synergy among the hospitals , maternity and child care centers and CDC departments , and to realize the real-time settlement with the medical insurance departments .

  2. 方法对珠海市妇幼保健院儿内科2001&2003年部分住院及门诊呼吸道感染患儿,采用明胶颗粒凝集方法(PA)做血清肺炎支原体抗体(MP-lgM)检测,将结果进行统计分析。

    METHODS To determine MP-IGM in serum with gelatin particles agglutination ( PA ) in children with respiratory tract infection from 2001 to 2003 in the Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital in Zhuhai City and to analyse the results .

  3. 结合南京市妇幼保健院B超室医学超声影像信息管理系统(USIS)开发与应用情况,对USIS系统开发的需求分析和数据库设计做了深入研究。

    Based on the development and application of medical ultrasonic diagnosis information system ( USIS ) of Nanjing Maternity and Child Health Hospital , this article deeply expounds the requirement analysis and the database design of USIS 's development .

  4. 妇幼保健院市场营销策略探讨与实践

    The strategies and practice of marketing of women and children health institute

  5. 龙岗区妇幼保健院后勤服务社会化管理模式分析

    Analysis of Hospital Logistics to Serve the Community Management Model

  6. 妇幼保健院医疗设备配置的思考和探讨

    The Women And Child Health Hospital Medical Equipment Disposes Ponder And Discussion

  7. 重庆市妇幼保健院16年新生儿出生情况对比分析

    16-year comparative analysis of newborns birth in Chongqing Maternal and Child Health Hospital

  8. 突出特点加强学科建设促进妇幼保健院发展

    Stress the feature , Strength subject instruction , Improve the development of MCH hospital

  9. 浅析深圳市妇幼保健院的品牌建设与医院文化建设

    The brand construction and culture construction of mother and child hospital of Shenzhen City

  10. 妇幼保健院的特殊性,决定了其经营管理的重要性。

    The features of the maternity and childcare center determine their the management importance .

  11. 深圳市妇幼保健院非辖区儿童异地接种现状调查

    Survey on Vaccination for Migrant Children in Shenzhen Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital

  12. 2003~2008年黎平县妇幼保健院临床用药分析

    Clinical Drug Use in Liping County Maternal and Child Health Hospital During 2003 ~ 2008

  13. 试论妇幼保健院经营机制及其改革

    Health care management mechanism and its reform

  14. 妇幼保健院以科研促专科发展的思路

    Thinking of Taking the Scientific Research to Promote the Development of the Speciality of MCH Hospital

  15. 运用引文分析法对山东省三甲妇幼保健院学术影响力的统计分析

    Citation analysis on the core journal published thesis by 3A maternity and child hospital of Shandong Province

  16. 2002~2007年江西省某妇幼保健院分娩产妇剖宫产情况

    The rate of cesarean section among lying-in women in one MCH hospital in Jingxi Province , 2002-2007

  17. 他联系了南京市妇幼保健院,保健院答应为她进行免费治疗。

    He contacted Maternity and Child Care Hospital in Nanjing which promised to give her free treatment .

  18. 如果卫生保健院的记录数据因疏忽而被公开或者被盗,那么该院可能面临严重的诉讼。

    A health care organization could face significant litigation if health care records were inadvertently released or stolen .

  19. 只有认真分析这些特征,才能准确把握妇幼保健院的运行规律,提高其经营管理水平。

    Only by carefully studying these features can we grasp the operating pattern and improve the management level .

  20. 晋城市妇幼保健院污水A~2/O处理设计

    Polluted water treatment design of A ~ 2 / O in Jincheng health hospital for women and children

  21. 江苏省淮阴市妇幼保健院深化内部体制改革,取得良好效果。

    MCH Hospital of Huaiyin City of Jiangsu Province deepened the inner system reform , achieved the good effect .

  22. 单位:山西省儿童医院妇幼保健院分子微生物研究所。

    SETTING : The Institute of Molecular Microorganism , Maternity and Child Care Hospital , Shanxi Provincial Children Hospital .

  23. 山东省三级甲等妇幼保健院1995-2004年发表论文的文献计量学研究

    Papers of A-grade and third-class maternity children hospitals in Shandong Province from 1995 to 2004 : a bibliometric study

  24. 目的探讨妇幼保健院建立护理专项技术小组的重要意义。

    Objective To approach an important role of special technical teams for nursing in Maternal and Child Health Hospital .

  25. 新派人员将承担武汉市泰康同济医院、湖北省妇幼保健院确诊患者医疗救治任务。

    The newly sent personnel will be patients at Taikangtongji Hospital and Hubei Provincial Women and Children 's Hospital .

  26. 疗养院、妇幼保健院(所)、疾病防治院(所);

    Sanatorium , women and children care center ( station ) and disease prevention and cure center ( station );

  27. 广东省妇幼保健院18年剖宫产率及适应证变化分析

    The Analysis of Cesarean Section Rates in 18 Years in the Women and Children 's Hospital of Guangdong Province

  28. 医院文化&广东省妇幼保健院持续高速发展的原动力

    Hospital ′ s culture ∶ the motivity of sustainable high speed development of Guangdong Provincial Maternal and Child Health Institute

  29. 妇幼保健院是防治相结合的卫生事业单位,必须以提高社会效益为宗旨。

    Because the institute of maternal and child health care is enterprise institution , it must uphold societal benefit first .

  30. 为探索妇幼保健院的经营之路,必须明确保健院所具备的服务特点。

    To probe the method of running maternity and children care hospital , it is necessary to identified its character .