
  1. 一些环保人士呼吁政府采取有效措施保护野生动物。

    Some environmentalists urged that the government take effective measures to conserve the wildlife .

  2. 也是个关于在大规模的物种灭绝时代如何保护野生动物的故事。

    This is the story of wildlife conservation in the age of mass   extinction .

  3. 报告还指出,保护野生动物的工作必须与解决栖息地丧失和滥伐森林相结合。

    The report says efforts to protect wildlife must be combined with tackling habitat loss and deforestation .

  4. 这是一种保护野生动物的努力,是为了确保它们永远不会真的灭绝。这位来自德克萨斯洲的青少年在Facebook上这样写道。

    ' This is a conservation effort to assure that they never do become extinct , ' the teen from Texas posted to Facebook .

  5. 本文通过分析H5N1型流感的疫情,提出了针对保护野生动物特别是圈养种群的措施。

    On the basis of analyzing H5N1 epidemic situation , measures for protection of the population of wildlife , especially that in captivity , were discussed .

  6. 猕猴属国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物。

    Macaca mulatta is under state class II protected wild animal .

  7. 做出保护野生动物的决定是明智的。

    It 's a wise decision that we protect the wildlife .

  8. 它可以使他们采取积极行动来保护野生动物。

    It may make them take action to protect wildlife .

  9. 保护野生动物现在还不算太晚。

    It is never too late to save wild animals .

  10. 我们应该知道保护野生动物的重要性。

    We should know the importance of protecting wild animals .

  11. 我国重点保护野生动物等级划分标准的探讨

    Investigation of Standards for Class Division of Wildlife Specially Protected in China

  12. 我们因该制定一个保护野生动物的计划。

    We should to make plane to protect wild animals .

  13. 我们写信给你是关于保护野生动物的事。

    We are writing to you about protecting wild animals .

  14. 安阳市国家重点保护野生动物的区系研究

    Fauna Study on Wild Animals under Special State Protection of Anyang City

  15. 他为保护野生动物孜孜不倦地工作。

    He worked indefatigably for the conservation of wild animals .

  16. 保护野生动物对人们来说很重要。

    It 's important for us to protect wild animals .

  17. 保护野生动物是人类更好的选择!

    The protection of wild animals is a better choice of mankind !

  18. 人们正在为保护野生动物筹款。

    The funds are being raised to protect wild animal .

  19. 我认为,保护野生动物的圈养繁殖是不可能的。

    I believe conserving wild animals by captive breeding is not possible .

  20. 政府正在采取行动来保护野生动物。

    The government is taking action to protect wildlife .

  21. 国家重点保护野生动物在江苏的资源分布及保护探讨

    Nationally-protected wild animals and their conservation in Jiangsu Province

  22. 保护野生动物就是保护人类自己!

    Wildlife protection is the protection of their human !

  23. 现今,许多国家都制定了保护野生动物的法律。

    In many countries today , laws protect wildlife .

  24. 他致力于保护野生动物。

    He devoted himself to protecting the wild animals .

  25. 北京地区保护野生动物损失价值评估

    Loss Evaluation on Protective Wild Animals in Beijing District

  26. 请注意如何保护野生动物这个问题。

    Pay attention to the problem how we can protect the wild animals .

  27. 学生们想筹一些钱来保护野生动物。

    The students wanted to raise some money to protect the wild animals .

  28. 同时他们正在采取强有力的措施保护野生动物资源。

    At the same time they are taking strong measures to protect wildlife resources .

  29. 陕西省国家重点保护野生动物的现状及分析

    Current status and analysis of national protected animal species in Shaanxi province of China

  30. 风景名胜区保护野生动物的对策&从南北湖风景区的鸟类谈起

    Countermeasures for Wild Animal Protection in Scenic Spot