
ɡuǎn dào jié ɡòu
  • pipeline structure
  1. REAC出口管道结构优化的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Reac Outlet Pipeline Structure Optimization

  2. PWLER在结构上的最大特点是采用轮腿和管道结构。

    The most prominent characteristics of PWLER is its wheeled leg and pipeline structure .

  3. 地埋FRP夹砂管道结构及强度分析

    Analysis of Structure and Strength of FRPM Pipes Under Ground Use

  4. 超大口径PCCP管道结构安全与质量控制研究

    Study on Structural Safety and Quality Control of Large Diameter PCCP

  5. 目的:为系统研究肝脏的管道结构,建立适于薄层CT扫描和三维重建的肝脏标本管道系统灌注和铸型的方法。

    AIM : To establish the method of perfusion and casting of hepatic duct system for thin slice CT scan and three dimensional computerized reconstruction for the study of the structure of hepatic duct .

  6. 通过对骨组织显微结构观察分析,指导人工骨支架内部微管道结构设计,结合CAD、反求工程和快速成形技术制造仿生结构生物活性人工骨支架。

    Microstructure of bone tissue was observed and analyzed to guide the design of internal microchannel architectures for scaffold . CAD , reverse engineering and rapid prototyping techniques were combined to fabricate bioactive scaffold with biomimetic structure .

  7. 利用有限元软件ANSYS和声学边界元软件SYSNOISE对U型管道结构的受激振动与辐射声场进行分析。

    Vibrations of an excited U-shape pipe and its radiation field are investigated by using FEM software ANSYS and acoustic BEM code SYSNOISE .

  8. 1000MW直接空冷机组排汽管道结构强度分析

    Structure Strength Analysis of Exhausting Pipe for 1000 MW Direct Air-cooling Condenser Unit

  9. 在使用R6方法的压力容器和管道结构完整性评估过程中,含缺陷圆筒的极限载荷是一个非常重要的输入参量。

    The limit load of a defective cylinder is a very important input in a structural integrity assessment of a pressure vessel or pipe using R6 type procedure .

  10. 牛颈静脉带瓣管道结构特性及流体动力学的实验研究

    Morphologic and hydrodynamic characteristics of bovine jugular venous conduit with valves

  11. 两套削片机及十字形管道结构

    Two Cut - Sheet Machines and Structure of Cross - Piping

  12. 管道结构振动有限元法分析及减振研究

    Analysis on structure vibration of pipelines and study on vibration reduction

  13. 肝区管道结构异常的超声诊断与鉴别方法

    Identification and Differentiation of Tube-like Structure in the Liver by Ultrasound

  14. 水击随机分析在压力管道结构设计中的应用

    Application of Stochastic Analysis of Waterhammer in Structural Design of Penstocks

  15. 重力坝下游面压力管道结构强度的研究

    Research on the Structural Strength of Penstock on Gravity Dam Downstream Surface

  16. 石油化工管式炉钢结构设计规范埋地输油输汽钢管道结构设计规范

    Code for structural design of buried steel oil and gas transmission pipeline

  17. 管道结构对严重段塞流流动特性的影响规律研究

    The Effect of Pipeline Structure on Severe Slugging Flow Characteristics

  18. 输液管道结构横向振动问题的粘性效应

    Effect of viscosity in transverse vibration of fluid conveying pipe

  19. 有压管道结构运动对管内水锤压力的影响研究

    Effect of pressure conduit structure movement on water hammer pressure

  20. 可控微管道结构支架构造及旋转式动态培养研究

    Study on Fabrication of Controllable Microchannel Structure Scaffolds and Rotating Dynamic Culture

  21. 进气管道结构对单缸发动机动力性能的影响

    Experimental Study on Influence of Inlet Pipe on Dynamic Performance of Single-cylinder Engine

  22. 浅埋式预应力混凝土压力管道结构设计与技术经济比较

    Design and Technical Economy Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Penstock Shallow Buried Under Earth

  23. 埋设于软土地区的钢筋混凝土管道结构承载力的试验研究

    Test Study on Ultimate Bearing Capability of Reinforced Concrete Culverts Buried in Soft-soil

  24. 熔体分配管道结构探讨

    Discussion on The Structure of The Melt Distribution Line

  25. 三峡压力管道结构模型试验径向变位特性研究

    Model Testing Study on Radial Displacement of Penstocks on the Three Gorges Dam

  26. 软土地层深埋钢筋混凝土管道结构强度计算的研究

    Study on Strength of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Conduit Buried in Thick Soft-soil

  27. 在管道结构设计中考虑变形量及其补偿;确定管道埋深时考虑热变稳定性;

    Considering def of mation amount and its compensation in pipeline structure designing ;

  28. 管道结构中含同轴穿孔管时的声传播特性

    Sound propagation in tubular structure containing perforated coaxial pipe

  29. 管道结构多目标可靠性灰色优化设计

    Multi-objective Reliability and Grey Optimal Design for Pipeline Structure

  30. 医学图像中微细管道结构的表面绘制算法

    Surface rendering algorithm of tenuous vasculature in medical images