
ɡuǎn lǐ wěi yuán huì
  • management committee;managing board;board of management
  1. 她任管理委员会委员。

    She 's on the management committee .

  2. 管理委员会直面当前形势。

    The management committee have faced the situation squarely

  3. 所有候选人都在管理委员会赢得了席位。

    All the candidates won places on the ruling council

  4. 预算管理委员会

    BMC Budget and Management Committee

  5. 社会安全管理委员会(SocialSecurityAdministration)是一个肩负重大责任的庞大的机构。

    The Social Security Administration is an enormous organization with enormous responsibilities .

  6. 不过,美国证券监督管理委员会(SEC)看待限制性股票的角度不同。

    The SEC , however , views RSUs differently .

  7. 中央人民委员会制定国家方针、政策和决策并且监督、指导权利机关或者国家管理委员会(SAC)对其进行贯彻、实施。

    The CPC makes policy decisions and supervises the Cabinet , or State Administration Council ( SAC ) .

  8. 其中一个条件是,除非美国核能管理委员会(NuclearRegulatoryCommission)断定反应堆都在安全运转,否则,相关项目不会得到贷款担保。

    One condition is that unless the Nuclear Regulatory Commission concludes that any reactor is safe to operate , the project will not get the loan guarantee .

  9. 昨日公布的法规草案将上市企业公司债的监管权从发改委转移到了更开明的证券监管机构中国证券监督管理委员会(chinasecuritiesregulatorycommission)手中。

    Draft rules published yesterday transfer regulatory control over corporate bonds issued by publicly-listed companies from the NDRC to the more liberal securities regulator , the China Securities Regulatory Commission .

  10. 例如,在资助西雅图残疾儿童项目WonderlandDevelopmentCenter时,休梅克全面整理了该机构的财务,帮助招聘了一位新主管,并帮助赢得了管理委员会的支持。

    While funding Wonderland Development Center , a disabled children 's programme in Seattle , for example , Shoemaker overhauled the finances , helped recruit a new director and shored up board support .

  11. 根据国家安全管理委员会(NationalSafetyCouncil)公布的数据,去年,全美有近4万人死于与汽车有关的事故,是2008年以来死亡人数最高的一年,还取得了50年来最大的同比增幅。

    Last year , there were nearly 40000 deaths in the United States from auto-related accidents , the deadliest for automotive-related deaths since 2008 and the largest year-over-year percentage increase in 50 years , according to the National Safety Council .

  12. Cheek说,自90年代以来,证券交易管理委员会一直试图让金融公司对产品进行更清晰的描述。

    Miz Cheek says , since the nineteen nineties , the Securities and Exchange Commission has tried to get financial companies to give clearer product descriptions .

  13. 负责商学院gmat入学考试的研究生入学管理委员会(graduatemanagementadmissioncouncil)发现,今年来自美国之外的学生申请总数增加了21%。

    The Graduate Management Admissions Council , which administers the GMAT entry test for business schools , this year saw a 21 per cent increase in registration volume from students outside the US .

  14. “一致性同意”表示要对某个做法进行投票,在结果中至少要有来自项目管理委员会(PMC)的三票赞成票,而且不能有反对票。

    ' Consensus approval'refers to a vote , which has completed with at least three binding + 1 votes and no vetos .

  15. 研究生入学管理委员会(graduatemanagementadmissioncouncil)进行的这项研究显示,长期以来一直主导mba市场的北美商学院在此期间仅开设了708个mba课程。

    North American schools , which have long dominated the MBA market , opened only 708 programmes during the period , according to the study by the Graduate Management Admission Council , an association of business schools .

  16. 高保护价值森林的概念是森林管理委员会(FSC)提出的。

    The concept of High Conservation Value Forest ( HCVF ) was proposed initially by the Forest Stewardship Council ( FSC ) .

  17. 在华盛顿,白宫表示,美国核管理委员会(NRC)的两名官员已经在东京提供协助。

    In Washington , the White House said two officials from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission were already in Tokyo giving assistance .

  18. 台湾监管机构&金融监督管理委员会(FinancialSupervisoryCommission,FSC)表示,市场反应系由恐慌而非事实驱动,指出美国房贷机构得到美国联邦政府支持,使它们的债务近似于国债。

    The Financial Supervisory Commission ( FSC ), Taiwan 's regulator , said the market reaction had been driven by fear rather than fact , pointing out that the US lenders ' federal backing made their debt quasi-governmental .

  19. 但是强大的澳大利亚竞争和消费管理委员会于本周四要求CCSP更正这种说法。

    But the powerful Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Thursday ordered CCSP to correct its claims .

  20. 去年11月,权力颇大的中国国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(Sasac,国资委)决定,凯雷可以持有50%的股份。

    Last November , the influential State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission ( Sasac ) decided Carlyle could take a 50 per cent stake .

  21. 去年秋天,美国核管理委员会(NRC)等非军事机构之间已经开始低调地就网络攻击问题举行会议。

    Separately , civilian agencies such as Nuclear Regulatory Commission started holding discreet meetings with each other last autumn on cyber issues too .

  22. 对于GMAT考试的监管机构研究生入学管理委员会(GraduateManagementAdmissionCouncil,下文简称GMAC)而言,这项考试的利润率甚至超过了苹果公司(Apple)的iPad平板电脑和iPhone手机。

    For the organization that oversees the test , the Graduate Management Admission Council , profit margins on the exam are even better than the margins apple ( AAPL ) makes on the iPad and the iPhone .

  23. 此风险的缓解包括确保过程是明确的,并且在冲突可能出现的区域,在C级别(CIO,COO,等)上得到管理委员会的批准。

    Mitigation of this risk involves making sure the process is unambiguous and approved by the management chain , at the C-level ( CIO , COO , etc. ), in areas where conflict may arise .

  24. 宾夕法尼亚州中南部的PeachBottom核电站的保安在“待命室”内睡觉的录像在美国核管理委员会得知这一秘密消息的几个月后曝光。在此之前,美国核管理委员会已于九月份宣布将展开一项特别调查。

    It wasn 't until a videotape of guards sleeping in a " ready room " at the Peach Bottom plant in south-central Pennsylvania surfaced several months after it got the tip that the NRC announced in September a special investigation .

  25. 在美国,总部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市的MSR开发公司TransatomicPower首席执行官拉斯o威尔克斯正在请求美国核管理委员会(theU.S.NuclearRegulatoryCommission)放宽对传统核反应域安全的限制,称这种限制“冻结了进步”。

    In the U.S. , Russ Wilcox , CEO of Cambridge , Mass . - based MSR developer Transatomic Power , implores the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to broaden its focus beyond conventional reactor safety , which he says " freezes progress . "

  26. 美国核管理委员会(usnuclearregulatorycommission)主任格雷戈里贾兹科(gregoryjaczko)称,他所在的委员会认为,福岛核电站四号反应堆正在释放“水平非常高”的核辐射。

    Gregory jaczko , head of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission said his organisation believed one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima plant number four had run dry and was emitting " extremely high " radiation levels .

  27. 中国银行业监督管理委员会(CBRC)和工信部最初要求,商业银行最迟在3月15日提供有关其合规计划的信息,最迟从4月1日起实施新规。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission and MIIT initially told banks to provide information about their compliance plans by March 15 and begin implementing them by April 1 .

  28. 虽然魏德曼在欧洲央行(ecb)的23人管理委员会中只有一张投票,但作为德国央行行长,他的意见对欧元区其他政策制定者(尤其是北部欧洲国家的政策制定者)有很大份量。

    Although Mr weidmann has just one vote on the 23-strong Governing Council at the European Central Bank , his voice as Bundesbank president carries great weight among other eurozone policy makers , especially from northern countries .

  29. 美国药品和食品管理委员会(FDA)根据这一模式对食物和药品管理法作出了一些修改,使得CAM的天然产品比合成产物或高纯度单体,更容易进入美国市场[3]。

    Therefore , the FDA of the United States has amended the Food and Drug Act in accordance with the models and thus the natural products of CAM are easier to gain market than synthetic products and highly purified monomers .

  30. 例如,如果您执掌被称为“项目管理委员会(PMC)”的委员会,那么可以将“PMC”作为输入评审栏的数据。

    For instance , if your steering committee is called a " Project Management Committee ( PMC )," then enter " PMC " as a value in the appropriate review column .