
guǎn bì
  • tube wall;shell of pipe;tube well
管壁 [guǎn bì]
  • [tube well] 用钢管充当的井壁

管壁[guǎn bì]
  1. 对数响应与管壁腐蚀间也呈线性关系,测量管壁腐蚀准确度为0.1mm。

    The linear relation is also presented between the logarithm response and the tube wall corrosion . The measuring accuracy of the tube wall corrosion is 0.1 mm .

  2. 康普顿散射检测管壁厚度和缺陷的研究

    A study on nondestructive inspection of tube wall thickness and defect using Compton scattering

  3. AutoCAD在有限元模拟连轧管壁厚测量中的应用

    Application of AutoCAD in Wall-Thickness Measurement for Continuous Rolling Steel Tube by FEM Simulation

  4. MIP可清楚显示管壁钙化和动脉瘤形态;

    MIP clearly showed the wall calcification and extent of aneurysm .

  5. 实验发现,大鼠皋丸间质结缔组织及血管壁接受NA能神经支配:此种带膨体荧光神经纤维发出分枝,伸进曲细精管壁;

    The experimental results showed that the interstitial tissue and the wall of blood vessels of testis and epididymides received noradrenergic nerve innervation .

  6. 普罗布考对冠状动脉球囊损伤后管壁原癌基因c-myc表达的影响

    Effects of probucol on the expression of c-myc genes and intimal hyperplasia in pigs after coronary angioplasty

  7. 根管壁牙本质小管口直径,在冠1/3、中1/3、尖1/3,A、B及C组间比较差异均有显著性(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    The differences of diameters of dentinal tubules of the coronal third , middle third and apical third parts were significant between various groups ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 猪冠状动脉球囊损伤后管壁cyClinD1和Rb蛋白表达的变化

    Significance of cyclin D_1 and Rb protein expression in the injured coronary artery after angioplasty in the swine

  9. 方法:对40例动脉粥样硬化(AS)患者祛瘀消斑胶囊治疗前后和40例对照者正常动脉管壁及粥样斑块进行AD检测。

    Methods : In 40 patients treated with drugs and in 40 control cases , we detected the normal arterial wall and different types of atherosclerotic plaques with AD technique .

  10. 最后,基于所得出的各种荷载的分布状况,利用Matlab环境编制可靠度计算程序,利用该程序计算在不同设计情况下、不同荷载组合情况下的管壁强度可靠度指标。

    Finally , based on the types of all load , using Matlab , the reliability programs are compiled to calculate the reliability index under different design and different load combination .

  11. 文中选择Monte-Carlo方法作为在原始数据不充分的条件下计算管壁强度可靠度的优化算法并论述了该方法在可靠度计算中应用的可行性。

    Be short of the primitive data , the thesis selected the method of Monte-Carlo to calculate the reliability of pipe wall .

  12. 用小鼠附睾管壁对Ig通透限制的实验研究血-附睾屏障

    Studies on Blood - Epididymis Barrier by Experiment of the Limited Permeability Passage of Specific Igs to the Lumen of the Mouse Epididymis

  13. 并在此基础上,利用Matlab软件对屏式过热器管壁温度进行三维计算研究,找出了管壁温度最高部位,为管壁温度监测点的选取提供了依据。

    On this basis , three-dimensional calculation about the tube temperature of platen superheater was made by means of Matlab software , finding out the highest parts of the wall temperature as the monitoring points .

  14. 然后计算出血管壁的切应力。同时测定颈总动脉(CCA)与颈内动脉(ICA)之间的角度值。

    The angles between internal and common carotid arteries were also measured . Then , we calculated the wall shear stress of carotid artery .

  15. 工程上习惯沿用糙率系数n来表征管壁粗糙程度对水流的影响,而糙率取值的高低直接影响到工程规模的大小及工程投资。

    Roughness coefficient ( n-value ) is a simple and widely adopted approach to show the influence on water flow by roughness degree of the pip wall . However , it directly influences the scale and investment of engineering .

  16. 采用装置固有的几kA预脉冲和聚乙烯毛细管,放电过程中产生了大量的管壁烧蚀,并且这种情况下的等离子体均匀性差,没有可能获得激光输出。

    For inherent pre-pulse and polythene capillary , the ablation is too large to create uniform plasma columns and it is impossible to obtain lasing .

  17. 本文首先使用微观粒子测速仪测量了微直管道中的电渗现象,通过流场中平均速度与外电场的关系间接测量了管壁的Zeta电势,并将之用于数值模拟。

    In the thesis , EOF in a straight channel is measured . Zeta potential is obtained indirectly and used in following numerical simulation .

  18. 此外,随着磁性液体浓度的增大,传感器的可测量范围也增大。(5)U形管壁厚越小,灵敏度越大。

    Besides , the measurable range of the sensor increases with the density of magnetic fluid increasing . ( 5 ) The sensitivity of the sensor increases with the thickness of U tube decreasing .

  19. 同时还能够避免气泡吸附在管壁上,提高RH真空精炼装置的寿命。

    The attachment of the bubbles on the inner walls of the up-leg of RH vessel is also avoided . Thus the life of the RH vessel can be improved .

  20. VIP阳性神经纤维广泛分布于气道上皮细胞、支气管平滑肌层、肺血管和支气管血管的管壁以及粘膜下的腺体周围。

    The positive immunoreactivity fibers of VIP widely distribute in airway epithelium , airway smooth muscle , the wall of pulmonary and bronchial blood vessel , and the circumference of sub-mucous gland .

  21. 单因素及多因素Logistic回归结果显示年龄、蛋白尿程度、血肌酐水平及肾小动脉管壁增厚为IgA肾病高血压发生的独立危险因素。

    The results of univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age , degree of proteinuria , level of serum creatin and arteriole hypertrophy were the independent influencing factors of hypertension in patients with IgA nephropathy .

  22. 对某200MW机组锅炉屏式过热器管壁温度特性进行了试验研究。

    Platen superheater tube temperature in the furnace and out the furnace are tested .

  23. 介绍在国内首次自行设计和研制成功的、采用内管壁螺线电极技术的新型无电极(Electrodeless)静电聚焦象管(ELI)。

    This paper presents a new type of the " Electrodeless " Electrostatic Focussing Image Tube ( ELI ) originally designed and fabricated in China .

  24. 饮用水输送过程中,配水管道管壁会吸附DBPs或与之发生化学反应,管壁材质是影响DBPs转化的重要因素之一。

    Drinking water distribution pipes would adsorb or react with DBPs , and the pipe material is an important gist affecting the fate of DBPs .

  25. 利用CVD法高温分解无水乙醇,以分子筛(合成皂石)基体上的Fe颗粒为催化剂,制备出了管壁更薄、端部为开口结构的碳纳米管。

    Using chemical vapour deposition ( CVD ) method to decompose alcohol at high-temperature with ze-olite ( synthetic satonite ) - based Fe particles as catalyst , aut hors synthesize carbon nanotubes ( CNTs ) of thinner walls and opened ends .

  26. 以多孔氧化铝为模板制备出的锐钛矿型TiO2纳米管管径均匀,管壁粗糙,由许多非常细小的TiO2纳米粒子组成。

    Anatase TiO 2 nanotubes were prepared from tetrabutyl titanate ( Ti ( OC 4H 9 ) 4 ) using porous alumina as a template . The nanotubes exhibited uniform diameter , but rough walls and consisted of small crystals .

  27. 目的研究病理组织学证实的胆囊腺肌瘤病、慢性胆囊炎和管壁增厚型胆囊腺癌在MRT2加权成像(T2WI)显示病变胆囊壁点状高信号的特征。

    Objective To study the characteristics of hyperintense spots on MR imaging in patients with pathologically confirmed gallbladder adenomyomatosis , chronic cholecystitis and gallbladder carcinoma .

  28. EWT-2型涡流管壁测厚仪的研制

    Development and study of ewt-2 eddy-current wall thickness testing instrument

  29. 并且对反应管壁去激活o2(b1∑g+)的动力学过程进行了分析,间接证实了o2(b1∑g+)的浓度在反应管中是非稳态的变化过程。

    We experimentally analysed the kinetic process of deactivation of O 2 ( b ) by the wall , which indirectly proved that the concentration of O 2 ( b ) changed in a nonsteady-state way in the flowing tube .

  30. 高频超声特别是VET可提高颈动脉显示能力和显示灵敏度,更清晰显示血管腔及管壁结构,具有较高的临床应用价值。

    With largely enhanced display capability and display sensitivity , High-frequency ultrasound and VET . can produce much clearer images of the vessel lumen and its wall structure . Therefore , they have a comparatively high clinical value .