
  • 网络Line Pipe
  1. 日本NKK公司通过使用大功率激光焊接工艺开发生产出了高焊接性的13%Cr管线钢管。

    NKK has developed weldable 13 % chromium line pipe by applying the high power laser welding process ( NKK-HPLW ) .

  2. 高钢级管线钢管环焊缝高强匹配研究

    High Strength Matching Study on Circumferential Weld of High Grade Line Pipe

  3. 指出静水压试验压力应按照APISPEC5L《管线钢管规范》4.3.3附录K计算值确定。

    It points out that hydrostatic testing pressure shall determine K calculation value in accordance with appendix 4.3.3 of API SPEC 5L .

  4. 本课题作为中国石油天然气集团公司“X80级管线钢管热煨弯管技术研究”的一部分。

    This research topic is an integral part of the " Research on the Heat-stewed BendTechnology of X80 Pipe Steel " by CNPC .

  5. 分析了输送高湿含硫化氢较高的石油天然气管线钢管的氢致裂纹(HIC)现象及特点,以及影响HIC的环境因素和材料因素。

    This article analysis the HIC and its characteristic of the pipeline transmitting high H2S Petroleum and Gas , and the environment factor and material factor which affect the HIC .

  6. 在已开工建设的西气东输三线天然气管道中,将采用管径为φ1422mm的管线钢管。

    The pipe diameter φ 1422mm natural gas pipeline has been used in the West-East Gas Pipeline construction of three-wire .

  7. 单层保温海底管线钢管外壁腐蚀评价方法探讨

    The discussion on external corrosion evaluation method for singly insulated pipeline

  8. 高强度管线钢管的技术性能及发展应用

    Technical Properties and Developmental Application for High Strength Pipeline Pipe

  9. 高钢级管线钢管研制过程中的几点注意事项

    Cautions During Research and Development High Grade Pipeline Steel Pipe

  10. 大口径管线钢管机械扩径工艺实验研究

    Experiment study on mechanical expanding process of large-diameter line pipe

  11. 国外管线钢管的质量检验及控制分析

    An Analysis of Quality Inspection and Control about Steel Pipes of Pipeline Produced Abroad

  12. 管线钢管腐蚀坑焊接补强技术

    Weld Strength Technology of Pipeline Corrosion Dent

  13. 内外涂层防腐工艺对高钢级管线钢管力学性能的影响

    Affects on Mechanical Properties of High Grade Line Pipe by Internal and External Coating Procedure

  14. 管线钢管的包辛格效应与质量

    Bauschinger Effect and Quality of Line pipe

  15. 简要介绍了石油天然气输送用管线钢管的种类及其特点。

    It introduces characteristic and kinds of line pipe for petroleum and natural gas transmission .

  16. 俄罗斯管线钢管制造技术

    Pipe Manufacture Technology of Russian Pipeline

  17. 阐述了我国管线钢管技术性能的发展历程和管线钢管在我国的发展应用情况。

    This paper expounds both the development history and application situation for the pipeline pipe in China .

  18. 根据宝鸡石油钢管有限责任公司承揽的印度东气西输管线钢管生产工艺要求,设计了一种复合曲线辊型的焊垫辊。

    According to the procedure requirement of India East-West Pipeline Project contracted by Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe Co.

  19. 十五年来华北石油钢管厂高钢级管线钢管的开发和生产

    Development and Production of North China Petroleum Steel Pipe Factory High Grade Pipeline Steel in Recent 15 Years

  20. 对于天然气输送管道,需研制抗氢致裂纹的专用管线钢管;

    For the natural gas transmission pipeline , the special steel pipe that can resist hydrogen cracking should be developed .

  21. 介绍了俄罗斯直缝埋弧焊钢管和螺旋缝埋弧焊钢管的生产设备和工艺等制管技术以及独特的热处理管线钢管的特点。

    The characteristic of pipe manufacturing technology and its unique heat-treatment pipe for pipeline for production units and processes of Russian LSAW pipes and SSAW pipes is introduced .

  22. 针对大直径管线钢管机械扩径工艺,得到了以最终制品形状精度(横断面圆度误差)为优化目标的扩径率、模具直径和模具边缘圆角半径等成形参数的最优组合。

    An optimum combination of forming parameters of expanding-ratio , diameter of sectorial die and corner radius of die rim is concluded from a functional relation between roundness error of cross-section and forming parameters for the process of mechanical expanding of large diameter line pipe in the paper .

  23. 介绍了我国当前螺旋埋弧焊管制造焊丝焊剂的匹配情况,分析了西气东输工程管线钢管制造中气孔产生的原因。

    It introduced the consistent match between weld wire and weld flux in present manufacturing process of spiral submerged arc welded pipe in China , also analyzed the causes of pores produced in manufacturing process of welded pipe applied into " From West to East " pipeline project .

  24. 为了实现安全、经济的输送,管线钢钢管起到重要的作用。

    Line pipe and line pipe steel plays the important role in safe and economy oil and gas transmitting .

  25. 采用失效评估图(FAD)技术,引入可靠性理论,建立了油气输送管线用焊接钢管的可靠性评估模型和方法,即基于FAD技术的MonteCarlo方法;

    Reliability calculation model and method for welded steel pipe used in oil and gas pipeline are established with reliability theory based on failure assessment diagram ( FAD ) technology , namely , Monte-Carlo simulation calculation method based FAD .

  26. 某管线施工现场钢管水压失效原因分析

    Making Water Invalidation Analysis of Some Pipeline Construction on Site

  27. 我国油气长输管线用焊接钢管生产技术的发展与展望

    Development and Prospect of Domestic Manufacturing Technology of Weld Pipes for Long-distance Oil / Gas Pipeline

  28. 航空煤油长输管线工程用ERW钢管的生产

    Production of ERW Steel Tubes for Long-distance Pipe Line Construction for Transport of Aviation Kerosene

  29. 一种新的耐蚀管线&塑料内衬钢管

    A Kind of New Corrosion-Resisting Pipe line - Steel Pipe Plastics Liner

  30. 催化重整装置工艺管线抗氢蚀钢管材料选用问题的探讨

    A discussion on the selection of process piping for hydrogen service in catalytic reforming unit