
  1. 联合国专家组星期二通过了中国在严格管制下进口非洲象牙的决议。

    A UN panel gave right to China on Tuesday to import African elephant ivory under strict conditions .

  2. 在这次合法交易之后,已有逾11吨非法的非洲象牙在运往中国的途中被扣留。

    Since this legal purchase , more than 11 tonnes of illegal African ivory have been impounded en route to China .

  3. 对于中国丝绸、非洲象牙和罗马香料的交换加强了东西方之间的联系。

    Good exchanges such as Chinese silk , African ivory , and Roman incense increase the contacts between the East and West .

  4. 沙玛抱着感激和赞赏的态度肯定茱莉在苏丹达尔福尔,柬埔寨和非洲象牙海岸做出的慈善努力。

    Sharma said India acknowledged " with appreciation the good work " which Joie has done in Sudan 's Darfur region , Cambodia and Ivory Coast .

  5. 非洲象牙贸易血雨腥风,愈演愈烈,我自知唯有加倍努力,才可能防止未来更多的大象像她一样悲惨死去。

    I stepped from the shade of that acacia tree knowing that to prevent the death of more elephants like her I would have to double my efforts to stop the illegal trade in ivory , which is fuelling so much misery in Africa .

  6. 72个箱子——这是100头非洲大象因为象牙被猎杀后所留下的一切。

    Seventy-two boxes - that is all that was left of 100 African elephants , killed for their tusks .

  7. 72个箱子&这是100头非洲大象因为象牙被猎杀后所留下的一切。

    Seventy-two boxes – that is all that was left of 100 African elephants , killed for their tusks .

  8. 她被控领导非洲最大的象牙走私集团之一,对价值250万美元的700多根象牙非法流出坦桑尼亚运往远东地区负有责任。

    She is accused of leading one of Africa'sbiggest ivory smuggling rings , responsible for more than 700 elephant tusksworth $ 2.5m illegally leaving Tanzania for the Far East .

  9. 每年都有25000到30000只非洲大象因供应象牙贸易而被猎杀。

    Every year , 25000-30000 African Elephants are poached to supply the ivory trade .

  10. 其中的原因就是非洲国家为了限制象牙的出口。

    This happened because African countries agreed to establish export limits on ivory from elephants .

  11. 随着亚洲象群日渐减少,非洲大象成了象牙的唯一来源。

    As Asian elephant herds dwindle , African elephants have become the only source of ivory .

  12. 45岁萨韬的死亡只是非洲大陆上为了象牙而大肆猎杀大象现象中的最近一例。

    Satao 's death at the age of around 45 years is the latest in a massive upsurge of poaching of the mammals for their ivory across the African continent .