
  • 网络preservation of the goods
  1. 第一章主要是概述CISG中的保全货物制度,并在回顾CISG立法历史的基础上,追踪了保全货物制度的立法演变过程。

    Chapter One introduces preservation of the goods under CISG and traces its evolvement in the legislative history of CISG .

  2. 如果买方已收到货物,但打算行使合同或本公约规定的任何权利,把货物退回,他必须按情况采取合理措施,以保全货物。

    If the buyer has received the goods and intends to exercise any right under the contract to reject them , he must take such steps to preserve them as are reasonable in the circumstances .

  3. 时限消费品销售管理关键技术及系统开发应用出售货物的一方当事人,有权从销售所得收入中扣回为保全货物和销售货物而付的合理费用。

    Some Key Technologies and System Development of Distribution Management on Time Limited Consumable A party selling the goods has the right to retain out of the proceeds of sale an amount equal to the reasonable expenses of preserving the goods and of selling them .

  4. 货物按照同类货物通用的方式装箱或包装,如果没有此种通用方式,则按照足以保全和保护货物的方式装箱或包装。

    The goods are contained or packaged in the manner usual for such goods or , where there is no such manner , in a manner adequate to preserve and protect the goods .

  5. 如果货物易于迅速变坏,或者货物的保全牵涉到不合理的费用,则按照规定有义务保全货物的一方当事人,必须采取合理措施,把货物出售。

    If the goods are subject to rapid deterioration or their preservation would involve unreasonable expense , a party who is bound to preserve the goods in accordance with article must take reasonable measures to sell them .